A laborious task as a FFG:GM using traditional journal/character tokens for minions, is that if one mob gets shot, the rest of the group records that damage. Now FFG does say it's a wound pool for the minion group, say 4 minions in the group each with 6 wound. 24 total. I play each minion of the group as a hybrid rule, it makes little sense for the guy they aren't shooting at to take damage or even die. I don't create 4 individual characters for those mobs, I use an unassigned strain threshold bar counting up to track damage on minions and or rivals. Bar1 Wound, Bar2 Unassigned (strain for players and nemesis) , Bar3 Soak, Is what I have to assign to every minion token I place, it's a slight shortcut. But, what do you fellows do?
Aside RIP Spock.
Aside RIP Spock.