Good job, DM's! Now that this is rolling, you guys please start the new Game and transfer the continuing discussion to the new Game's forum, to keep the message-traffic on the Tavern forum manageable for the membership here. As the founder of the 2E Tavern, I'm quite happy to see yet another campaign idea sprout out of Tavern meet-ups and participants. Karl , I would say, go ahead and start a new Game as you and Puff have talked about here. Feel free to advertise it or share the LFG or Join link here, as you like, or simply ask people from here to send you a message if they want to get involved going forward. Since this is well underway now, with ongoing discussion, I would ask if you can please do most of the planning-discussion going forward on your own campaign page or private messages. Since every message posted here in the Tavern thread is sent as a Notification to the full membership (200 Players), I would like to keep the discussion trim here to save everyone from deleting a lot of Notifications, and ask you guys to move the detailed discussion to a new Game with its own forum for your ideas, to advance your idea and share in world-creation. Thanks everyone, thanks Puff for starting this idea some time ago & following up at this season. Note: I will not be closing your thread here. You can still talk here. This is permitted. Just keep in mind the Notifications to everyone and shift discussion to private-messages or your own game-forum when you are able.