I was playing with the character journals and I realized something. I don't know if others have stumbled upon this before, but here it goes: I have been looking for a feature to let some players get what I type as a specific language, as in they can see the text, but the people without that language can't. I've been doing it in whispers to each character individually, but now I've figured out an easier way: As a GM, go into your character journal tab and make a new one for whatever language. Then, under 'who can control/edit' add in the players who have the ability to speak or understand that language. Now, you should be able to just typle /w [language name] [text] and it will go to those players. I've tested it and it has worked like a charm. You could also use this to make a group and whisper them. Don't know if people had figured this out already, but here you go! :D