@ Alicia G. In this Topic
Star Wars Saga Macro you were looking for a solution to the logic for the rolls in the templates for Using the Force.
I tinkered around with it a bit and came up with this:
<rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-sagadefault">
<tr>{{#subheader}}<td class="subheader">{{subheader}}{{/subheader}}</td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="tcat">Use the Force {{UseTheForce}}</td></tr>
{{#rollLess() UseTheForce 15 }}
<tr><td><span class="tcat">DC less 15 </span>{{less15}}</td></tr>
{{/rollLess() UseTheForce 15 }}
{{#rollBetween() UseTheForce 15 19 }}
<tr><td><span class="tcat">DC 15 to 19 </span>{{less20}}</td></tr>
{{/rollBetween() UseTheForce 15 19}}
{{#rollBetween() UseTheForce 20 24 }}
<tr><td><span class="tcat">DC 20 to 24 </span>{{less25}}</td></tr>
{{/rollBetween() UseTheForce 20 24}}
{{#rollGreater() UseTheForce 24 }}
<tr><td><span class="tcat">DC greater 25 </span>{{more25}}</td></tr>
{{/rollGreater() UseTheForce 24}}
{{#allprops() header subheader UseTheForce less15 less20 less25 more25}}
<tr><td><span class="tcat">{{key}} </span>{{value}}</td></tr>
{{/allprops() header subheader UseTheForce less15 less20 less25 more25}}
Just added in the Bolded/Italiced Logic, and the property names to the allprops of your sagadefault template.
I tested it with the following Macros
For the Logic of the Rolls DC's:&{template:sagadefault} {{header=Use the Force Test }} {{UseTheForce=[[1d20+@{UsetheForce}+?{Other Modifiers|0}[Other]]] }} {{less15= This Happened! }} {{less20= This Happened! }} {{less25= This Happened! }} {{more25= This Happened! }}
For the Logic NOT showing unless called by {{UseTheForce="Something Here"}}:&{template:sagadefault} {{header=Not Use the Force Test }} {{Testing=for Compliance of UseTheForce Logic! }} {{It Works=Yay! }} {{less15=Beep Bop Boop!}} {{less20=Roll Harder! }} {{less25=You Can't See This! }} {{more25=Finally!! }}
Here is the Template Output from Rolling those Macros:I just wanted to leave it up to you if you add it to your sheet or not. But here it is if you want to use it!
Here's to Lucky Rolling!