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LF3-5P for a One-Shot Today, Start when group is full.

Technical Details: Need a mic, dont need a cam. We'll be using Teamspeak 3 to communicate. It's free to DL so please make sure you grab it if you're interested in playing. I'll send out server info shortly before game. Not a whole lot for me to say, but let me get the important stuff out of the way. This will not be a medieval fantasy game. However, it could be victorian steam-punk, maybe black-powder grit, or something more like Dishonored (if you're familiar with that VG). Point is this: I'm bored of standard swords and sorcery, so I want to try something new. Now.... if you're new to rpgs, new to pen and paper, or just relatively inexperienced (or feel that you are), hit me up. While this is not necessarily a run geared just towards newbs, I've been seeing a lot of sad puppy type posts where newbs cant find a game. If you have your heart set on dnd and dnd alone, let me pop that bubble: I'm not doing that. However, if you are more curious about roleplaying in general, post below or PM me. Game will start pretty much as soon as I can find players (with the caveat that after i post this I'm heading out for 30 min to grab some lunch). Last note, I didnt mention a system because I want to get a sense of the players that "sign up" for this little shin-dig. I can run quite a few systems, but I'm going to do my best to gear away from anything that has a super complicated char gen process. So, post below or pm me if you're interested. It would also be helpful if you give me a genre you would be interested in trying out (modern drug dealers, cyberpunk bureaucrats, fucking waterworld pirates... whatever).

Edited 1426187129
Sounds great, I'm not a newbie but I've only played D&D on roll 20. I really enjoyed dishonored and I already have TS3, hit me up if there's a slot.
If you're willing to wait a little, I'll be a available in a couple of hours and I'd love to join this.
Well, so far only esteban has shown interest. So I'd say there's still some time.

Edited 1426191597
Hey, I'd love to join a game today! I play 5e and Dungeon world but would be up for trying something new and playing a pirate does sound good haha. Post apocalypse as well.
Sent you an invite phillip
People keep asking about systems, so here's some things I'm willing to run: Shadow and Light (Stealth-Action-Espionage.. setting mutable); Flashlight Dropper (Comedic Horror), World of Darkness (Modern Horror), Lasers and Feelings (Star Trek comedy essentially), Everyone is John (You all play as the crazy voices in john's head), Savage Worlds (Wild West setting), Apocalypse World, Feng Shui 2 (play as action movie stereotypes); All outta bubblegum ( fast paced action movie type game)

Edited 1426197158
Update: got 3 people now. Spots left for two, but they're filling up fast. So hit me up if you want in. EDIT: Got 4. one spot left.
All full. thanks for the interest.