I need to show a variable number of dice rolled - both the result and how many were rolled. As you can see in the character sheet excerpt, players will click the button called rollTalent1Check. attr_talent_1_val should be the brains attribute + 3. Assume a brains score of 2 for this example. The player should see that the die rolled is 5d6. It's being displayed as 2+3d6 and the check itself is the number 2 plus 3d6. I'm guessing that @{brains+3} is being interpolated as text instead of an integer. What am I doing wrong? The character sheet: <div class="sheet-col"><input type="number" name="attr_talent_1_val" value="@{brains+3}" disabled="true"><button type='roll' value='&{template:buster} {{name=@{talent_1}}} {{die=@{talent_1_val}}} {{check=[[@{talent_1_val}d6]]}}' name='rollTalent1Check' /></div> The roll template excerpt: <div class="sheet-rolltemplate-content">
<h3>{{name}} Check</h3>
<span class="sheet-rolltemplate-die">{{die}}d6</span>
<span class="sheet-rolltemplate-result">{{check}}</span>