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I'm try to create a macro to roll a d4 and a d6 that both explode. This is a spirit roll for a Savage Worlds character. Here is what I have: /r @{Spirit}! /r 1d6! Does each roll need to be on it's own line? Do I put a + sign between them?
Think I got it. Two seperate lines.
Hey Chris,  You might find this format a bit easier for Savage Worlds - it rolls both a d6 and a d8 then reports which is higher.  Both dice explode in this case. /roll {1d6!, 1d8!}kh1 I would think that you could replace {Spirit} for the d8 and it would still work.  Personally, I find its easier just to have a row of macros for each die type when we play Savage Worlds.
I like to have a macro as well, but I do it all in one, similarly to what Dave mentions, but there is a comment convention that I think is important, because sometimes you need to know which die is the wild die (easy if both dice aren't d6s, but...)  So, you could tweak the macro like this: /roll {[Spirit]@{Spirit}!,[Wild Die]1d6!}kh1 For my character sheets I actually made an Attribute called Wild for my wild die, because there are edges that can change the wild die type from a d6 to a d8 (and I believe even a d10).  This way, if you have an attribute called Wild, you could write the macro like this: /roll {[Spirit]@{Spirit}!,[Wild Die]@{Wild}!}kh1 Then, if your Wild Die does change, you update the Attribute and all the other macros are updated automatically without having to go in and modify every ability.
I will give this a try and let you know how it turns out.
What does the kh in the macro mean? Is there somewhere that gives a good marco tutorial? I looked one the wiki, but I would like even more detail. Chris
"Keep Highest" The  Dice Reference  page is a good place to start, since macros feed off the dice rolling engine.
Have another question. The wiki says: Macros can be nested inside each other, which gives the ability to combine macros, and call multiple macros with a single action. To nest a macro, simply include the name of the macro you wish to call on its own line inside your macro.  I created a macro called Vigor. Here is what it looks like: #Vigor /roll {[Vigor]@{Vigor}!,[WildDie]@{Wild}!}kh1 I should be able to type in #Vigor in the Chat window and have this roll the macro, correct? If not, how can I do this.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I created a macro inside a macro that called on a character sheet. Is this what you wanted? The sheet had just the AB, STR, the mod for the magical sword The magical sword macro "magicsword+1" had the following : /r 1d20+@{pc|AB}+@{pc|Magicsword}+@{pc|STR} AC /r 1d8+@{pc|Magicsword}+@{pc|STR} damage The macro "action" was used to do the following: /emas "Pc" runs screaming in rage down the corridor while waving his sword at the group of orcs #Magicsword+1  The macro output went to chat tab. ------------------------- It looks to me that you are trying to call Vigor while inside Vigor and that will cause errors. You can't use the same name for multiple items like that for it will confuse the programing and it won't function. This is how I understand it.
Basically, I just want to be able to type in #vigor into the chat and have it roll the macro.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I find it hard to explain in the forum since I don't know if you want it based off a sheet or not. do you want to see what I did on my playing around  board? if so then drop me a pm and I will send you an invite.
That would be great. From what you have said, I would think that I'm trying to do it based off a sheet. I will drop you a PM. Thanks so much for the help.