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Importing New Fonts

Looking for guidance or links to support on how to import new fonts into my map making area of Roll 20. Looking for a readable script for making maps. Thank you for any help.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Are you trying to have different fonts for the text tool? That isn't possible currently. If you're just trying to get readable text, some people have had success placing clear tokens and then typing something as their name. The text for tokens has a border, making them easier to read.
ok, ty
To expand on what Aaron has said; if you want fancy looking text and things then you are better off making your map (including labels) in a third party graphics program and then loading it into Roll20. Or alternatively having a base map and making a bunch of labels as individual tokens that you can drop onto the map layer and move around as desired.
Yeah I have downloaded the ancient maps tiles from the store and want to make a scroll with script. Unfortunately they do not have a script font in the Roll20 program

Edited 1427847270
Forum Champion
Yeah, shoot. If you go into an external graphics program (Photoshop-expensive, GIMP-free, or something like Paint might work)... either download the Ancient Map Tiles (if they are enabled /licensed for download), and open your background in the graphics program, and add the script text.... OR just keep the scroll background in roll20 and make just pure lettering in the graphics program (export as PNG with transparency so that only the letters show, and the scroll background will show underneath it once you upload the lettering). FWIW, I use the Contrail font that exists in Roll20 for writing on maps. It seems to show up best and is compact in horizontal width so you can write a longer title. It does not appear "script" at all though.
The Aaron
API Scripter
You're talking about Old World Style by Russ Hapke? They are all downloadable and Russ is happy to field any questions you have about their use. He starts a thread every couple months to help people with them.
Ok Great Thank you !!!
Russ H.
Marketplace Creator
Ears....burning...Aaron. Oh, hey there! If you're talking of the scroll edges in the Old World Style, Anthony, just gimme a holler in a PM. Happy to help. Like Gold was saying, Contrail is nice font, and I've played around also with Light for a font in the Roll20 editor when creating combinations across artists' sets. That will work in a pinch as well on top of the scroll background.
OK, Thx. Yeah I bought your Old World Maps. Just spent 7+ hrs making a large Campaign Map with it. All I can say is I love the work you do.
Russ H.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks! :D Happy Mapping!