Generally speaking an Adventure Level (AL) is meant to give an indication of the difficulty of the adventure. PCs within 2 of the AL on either side should be considered prime candidates for that adventure. For
example AL8 means that characters from level 6 to level 10 should be
considered within the ideal level range for that adventure. A
variable AL may be provided to indicate the adventure can be scaled up
or down to pose a greater or lesser challenge to accommodate the PCs
that are available to form the group. Upcoming Session Summary: Please be aware that the game calendar on the campaign main page may or (more likely) may not accurately display the time for the next game! Saturday, Sept 8th - 7PM EDT - Keledrath - The Champion - AL 12-14 - 4-5 hours - Priority to those with Asher's Favor Saturday, Spetmeber 15th - 8am EDT / 14:00 CEST - Bob S - Emerald Sheep -Paragon (preferred levels 11-15) - 4-5 hours Saturday, September 15th, 19:00 CEST / 1pm EDT - baldhermit - Spoils of War 1 - AL8/AL10 - 4-5 hours Sunday, September 16th - 4am EDT / 10:00 CEST - Kamil - Old Story - AL16-18 - around 5 hours, starting time can be changed. Saturday, September 22nd, 19:00 CEST / 1pm EDT - baldhermit - Spoils of War 1 - AL8/AL10 - 4-5 hours