Thanks for the amazing time yesterday everyone! I really had a lot of fun learning and playing the system with all of ya, and I hope the majority of ya guys did too! To everyone else who didn't manage to make it, I'm really sorry 'bout that. If you didn't make it though, as a little bonus, I've added ya to the Priority List, so that next time I run a one-shot (probably next weekend), you'll get 1st priority! Here's the list so far: Priority List Adam M. Jon P. Marc-David P. jonathan Greg B. Dwight H. Joseph P. Mitchell M. Sam B. Joao B. Saint Ronan Luke Ka'Cha Michael G. Nio G. Johna W. If ya want to be added here or for some reason you aren't on here, post here or shoot me a PM. Also, if you want notifications next time I run a one-shot, post here or PM me too! I'll add ya to the group so that you'll be informed. Thanks for all the fun again, and I'll see ya next time!