Thuzle said: I'll put my name down for the waiting list or whatever. I can attend both sessions and will fill in any spots as needed. Sweet, added! Looks like we'll have room in the 2nd session, so pop in around then! I'll also be posting the live-stream link in a bit hopefully, if I can get it to work. Clamfeelings said: This sounds great! I would love to be apart of it. Unfortunately I work during your first session.Will you be doing things like this in the future? Yup yup, I will. ^.^ Probably the weekend after next weekend, switch between running one-shots and doing more of these sessions. Christopher R. said: Saw your post on reddit. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the sessions today. I'd still love to catch up on what happened though. Could you maybe record the session and post a link when you're finished? I'm starting a new campaign with home brew classes, items, backgrounds, etc. The setting will be sci fi. Do you think that the DM training here will be relevant? Sure, we can record it. ^.^ As long as I can figure it out on this end. We'll also post up a PDF or Google Doc summarizing everything we go over. Matt G. said: I'm interested in spectating just to catch the gist of this as I'm completely new to all of this (besides what I've caught on Twitch in my free time) Sweet, awesome. ^.^ I'll invite ya to the campaign and send a link in a bit. Ajax said: I see that there are a number of interested people who seem to unable to attend some of these sessions, I will run kind of a follow up session tomorrow night (Sunday) I will put up a separate post for this. I know Benson does a lot of "Theater of the Mind" and that's great, but for the DM who wants a bit more detail I will get into the Interactive approach to the game, including use of all the materials available for the plain ordinary DM who merely has a regular subscription to Roll20 and then up through all the more advanced things... I will also make available the Free Tile Sets I created for my Map Building Seminar... -Ajax Thanks Ajax! We could totally use some more people running training sessions, that would be a great help.