Some Manual PF Spell Macros: Dragon Breath &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Dragon's Breath:
***[Link]( <a href="***" rel="nofollow">***</a>} }
{{DC: [[10 + @{MyInt} +4 + 1]] *Ref Half*=**SR**: [[1d20 + @{MyLevel}
]]}} {{Normal:=[[@{MyLevel}d6]] Dmg}}{{Empower:=[[ floor(
(@{MyLevel}d6)*1.5) )]]
Dmg}}{{60'Line_Acid=**30'Cone_Acid**}}{{60'Line_Elec=**30'Cone_Cold**}}{{60'Line_Fire=**30'Cone_Fire**}} Explosive Runes &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Explosive Runes:
***[Link]( <a href="***" rel="nofollow">***</a>} }
{{=*By order of Elvanna, White Queen of Whitethrone and Ruler Apparent
of all Irrisien, you are hereby commanded with all expediency
to...*[EXPLODE!]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)} } &{template:pf_generic}
{{DC: [[10 + 3 + @{MyInt} ]]= **Ref (Half)**}} {{Range:n/a=**SR:**
[[1d20 + @{MyLevel} ]]}} {{5' area:=[[6d6]] Force Dmg, no save}} {{10'
area:=[[6d6]] Force Dmg}} MadMonkeys &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Mad Monkeys:
***[Link]( <a href="***}}{{DC" rel="nofollow">***}}{{DC</a> :
[[10 + 3 + @{MyInt} +1 ]]= **Fort (Neg)**}} {{Range: [[50]]=[[10]]
**ft Swarm**}} {{Dur: [[ @{MyLevel} ]] *rd*=**SR:** [n/a }} &{template:pf_generic} {{name=HP[[22]] Spd[[30]] Climb[[20]]}} {{AC[[15]] F[[1d20+6]] R[[1d20+8]] W[[1d20+2]]}} &{template:pf_generic}
{{name=Swarm Damage = [[2d6]] }}{{DC:[[14]] *Fort* *For 1
round*=***[Nauseated]( <a href="***" rel="nofollow">***</a>
+***[Deafened]( <a href="***}}{{Disarm/Steal:=[[1d20" rel="nofollow">***}}{{Disarm/Steal:=[[1d20</a>
+ @{MyLevel}[Level] + @{GolInt}[Int] ]] *vs* **CMD**}}