This API is nice, just been playing around with it ahead of a game I'm running tomorrow. Here is a macro for the Marksman skill I made for a Standard Migou piloting a Spider Mech from the Vade mecum book: !ct [[3d10]] [[@{Perception}+@{Targeting}+?{Actions this turn|1,0|2,-2|3,-4|4,-6|5,-8}+?{Range|Short,2|Med,0|Long,-2|Ext,-6}+?{Target Size|Behemoth,0|Large,-1|Medium,-2|Small,-3|Tiny,-4}+?{Aim Actions|0,0|1,4|2,6}+?{Blind fight|None,0|Partially Obscuring,-2|Truly Obscuring,-4}+?{Called Shot|None,0|Med,-2|Small,-4|Tiny,-8}+?{Indirect Fire|No,0|Spotter,-2|Guesstimate,-4}+?{Target Speed|0 to 50,0|51 to 100,-2|101 to 200,-4|201 to 300,-6}+?{Close Quarters|No,0|Yes,-4}+?{Damage Level|Undamaged/Cosmetic,0|Light,-1|Moderate,-3|Serious,-6}]] --Marksman Its a bit ugly and there is probably a better way to do it, but as you can see it will give you drop down options so you don't have to remember all of the combat modifier rules. Hope this helps someone out there. -Ryan C.