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Internet Explorer cannot load page

OK strange issue here, I have a group that's wanting to play d&d. Only problem, not everyone has a PC to logon and play. I know there's always the mobile option but I was hoping for another option. I tried looking up the site using the IE app on my XBox, I can bring up the home screen just fine but when I try to navigate off the homepage it keeps saying can't connect claiming an issue with my internet connection. Is it because I'm using my Xbox, or is it my internet?
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hello Justin. I'm sorry you're having trouble with the site. Can you please follow Steps 1-3 of our Solving Technical Issues wiki page, taking special care to temporarily disable all browser add-ons and extensions, temporarily pause your anti-virus, and try switching browsers (for Chrome/Firefox specific issues) to see if one of those components is causing the problem. If all of that fails, please follow Step 4 , including providing all of the necessary information, so that we can further assist you. IE is not supported on roll20 so if you can install chrome or firefox, give them a try.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pat S. said: IE is not supported on roll20 so if you can install chrome or firefox, give them a try. Xbox has no browser except for IE.
Roll20 at this time does not run on Xbox One or PS4 to the best of my knowledge. I believe it does work on the Wii U though if anyone is curious based on this blog post . I actually want to go test that myself. I'll test PS4 and Wii U tonight.
While Roll20 may work on browsers in your gaming consoles, it is not officially supported.