About five weeks ago I asked for help, and Coal Powered Puppet lent a hand.
He gave me the CSS and HTML code for the following:
After about 5 weeks, and many...many hours. I got a damn near complete draft of a Cortex Classic character sheet.
(I dont know how to do tabs, so its a bit long, so I cut a lot out of the middle of the pic)
One of the macros for the Specialties is pretty nasty.
[[d([[{(@{skill_1a-x}d1-([[{(2*?{Down Step?|0})*d1,d0}kl1]])-[[ [[{(2*?{Down Step?})d1-@{skill_1a-y}d1 , 0d1}kh1]]d1]]),12d1cf99cs99}kl1 ]]) + d([[ [[ [[@{skill_1a-y}]]-([[({(2*?{Down Step?}*1d1+(12-@{skill_1a-x})*1d1),d0}kl1)]])-[[2*{?{Down Step?}*d1,d0}kh1]] ]] ]])cs=[[({@{skill_1a-y}d1-([[(2*?{Down Step?|0})]])-(12-@{skill_1a-x}),d1}kh1)]] + {d(2*([[?{Plot Points|0}-[[(floor((?{Plot Points}-1)/6))*(?{Plot Points}-6)]]]])),[[?{Plot Points}-[[(floor((?{Plot Points}-1)/6))*(?{Plot Points}-6)]]]]d1cf99cs99}kh1 + {d(2*([[?{Plot Points|0}-6]])),[[?{Plot Points}-6]]d1cf99cs99}kh1 ]]
Which just kicks out a simple dice roll of 2 dice... That one took me many hours.
There are a few things here and there I need to touch up on. But its almost there!
The many hours spent on this (I didn't know anything about CSS before, and bare minimum of HTML), I have grown a very large apperciation for those of you who kick out some gorgeous and functioning character sheets. So thank you!
He gave me the CSS and HTML code for the following:
After about 5 weeks, and many...many hours. I got a damn near complete draft of a Cortex Classic character sheet.
(I dont know how to do tabs, so its a bit long, so I cut a lot out of the middle of the pic)
One of the macros for the Specialties is pretty nasty.
[[d([[{(@{skill_1a-x}d1-([[{(2*?{Down Step?|0})*d1,d0}kl1]])-[[ [[{(2*?{Down Step?})d1-@{skill_1a-y}d1 , 0d1}kh1]]d1]]),12d1cf99cs99}kl1 ]]) + d([[ [[ [[@{skill_1a-y}]]-([[({(2*?{Down Step?}*1d1+(12-@{skill_1a-x})*1d1),d0}kl1)]])-[[2*{?{Down Step?}*d1,d0}kh1]] ]] ]])cs=[[({@{skill_1a-y}d1-([[(2*?{Down Step?|0})]])-(12-@{skill_1a-x}),d1}kh1)]] + {d(2*([[?{Plot Points|0}-[[(floor((?{Plot Points}-1)/6))*(?{Plot Points}-6)]]]])),[[?{Plot Points}-[[(floor((?{Plot Points}-1)/6))*(?{Plot Points}-6)]]]]d1cf99cs99}kh1 + {d(2*([[?{Plot Points|0}-6]])),[[?{Plot Points}-6]]d1cf99cs99}kh1 ]]
Which just kicks out a simple dice roll of 2 dice... That one took me many hours.
There are a few things here and there I need to touch up on. But its almost there!
The many hours spent on this (I didn't know anything about CSS before, and bare minimum of HTML), I have grown a very large apperciation for those of you who kick out some gorgeous and functioning character sheets. So thank you!