What is @{selected|Level} for you? One. My bad, I added the tables. The only thing left is that I'm not sure how to make the tables such that you roll a d12 at level 1 on table 3, 1d14 at level 2 on table 3, 1d16 at level 3 on table 4, 1d20 at level 4 on table 4 and so on. Edit: I could add the table to the script but not sure how to incorporate the awesome macro you provided. As per a post you helped me out with before I started putting the table in the macro itself. Example: !power {{
--emote|@{selected|character_name} Rolls on the Disapproval Table...
--name|Cleric Disapproval Roll
--Disapproval Result:|~R[[ [$TST] ?{Disapproval |1, 1d4|2, 2d4|3, 3d4|4, 4d4|5, 5d4|6, 6d4|7, 7d4|8, 8d4|9, 9d4|10, 10d4|11, 11d4|12, 12d4|13, 13d4|14, 14d4|15, 15d4} + @{selected|LCK} ]]~R
-- ?? $TST.total < 1 ?? |~~~Your deity decides to forgive you... this time!
-- ?? $TST.total == 1 ?? |~~~The cleric must atone for his sins. He must do nothing but utter chants and intonations for the next 10 minutes, starting as soon as he is able (i.e., if he is in combat, he can wait until the danger is over).
-- ?? $TST.total == 2 ?? |~~~The cleric must pray for forgiveness immediately. He must spend at least one hour in prayer, beginning as soon as he is able (i.e., if he is in combat, he can wait until the danger is over). Failure to finish the full hour of prayers within the next 120 minutes is looked upon unfavorably; he incurs a -1 penalty to all spell checks until he completes the full hour.
-- ?? $TST.total == 3 ?? |~~~The cleric must increase his god’s power by recruiting a new follower. If he does not convert one new follower to his deity’s worship by the next sunrise, he takes a -1 penalty to all checks on the following day. This penalty resets after 24 hours.
-- ?? $TST.total == 4 ?? |~~~The cleric immediately incurs an additional -1 penalty to all spell checks that lasts until the next day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 5 ?? |~~~The cleric must undergo the test of humility. For the remainder of the day, he must defer to all other characters and creatures as if they were his superiors. Failure (at the discretion of the judge) means he immediately loses all spellcasting ability (including healing and laying on hands) for the remainder of the day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 6 ?? |~~~The cleric incurs an immediate -1 penalty to all attempts to lay on hands until he goes on a quest to heal the crippled. This quest is of his own design, but generally speaking must result in significant aid to the crippled, blind, lamed, sickly, etc. Once the quest is completed, the deity revokes the penalty. While the penalty remains, it applies to all attempts to lay on hands, even if the “normal” disapproval range has been reduced back to a natural 1.
-- ?? $TST.total == 7 ?? |~~~The cleric must endure a test of faith. He gains an illness that costs him 1 point each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. The ability score loss heals at the normal rate of 1 point per day. The cleric may not use magic to heal the loss. If the cleric endures the test to the satisfaction of the deity, he retains his magical abilities. If not (judge’s discretion), his disapproval range immediately increases by another point.
-- ?? $TST.total == 8 ?? |~~~The cleric immediately incurs a -4 penalty to spell checks on the specific spell that resulted in disapproval (including laying on hands and turning unholy, if those were the acts that produced disapproval). This lasts until the next day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 9 ?? |~~~The cleric immediately incurs an additional -2 penalty to all spell checks that lasts until the next day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 10 ?? |~~~The cleric loses access to one randomly determined level 1 spell. This spell cannot be cast until the next day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 11 ?? |~~~The cleric is ordered by his deity to meditate on his faith and come to a better understanding of what he has done to earn disapproval. The cleric incurs an immediate and permanent -2 penalty to all spell checks. The only way to lift this penalty is for the cleric to meditate. For every full day of meditation, the cleric can make a DC 15 Will save. Success means the spell check penalties are removed.
-- ?? $TST.total == 12 ?? |~~~The cleric is temporarily disowned by his deity. For the rest of the day, the character cannot accumulate XP and may not gain class levels as a cleric. After the time period expires, the character begins to accumulate XP again as normal but does not accrue “back pay” (so to speak) for XP missed while he was disowned.
-- ?? $TST.total == 13 ?? |~~~The cleric loses access to two randomly determined level 1 spells. These spells cannot be cast until the next day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 14 ?? |~~~The cleric’s deity wishes to test whether the cleric is a man of the faith or a man of the flesh. Calculate the cleric’s total net worth in gold pieces. The cleric immediately incurs a permanent -4 penalty to all spell checks. The only way to remove this penalty is for the cleric to sacrifice his material possessions. For every 10% of his net worth sacrificed to the deity, one point of penalty is removed. Or, in other words, sacrificing 40% of what he owns will return the cleric to a normal spell check penalty. A sacrifice can be destruction, consecration, donation, transformation into a temple or statue, etc.
-- ?? $TST.total == 15 ?? |~~~The deity is not forgiving on this day. When the cleric rests for the night, he does not “reset” his disapproval range at the next morning – it carries over from this day to the next. The disapproval ranged resets as normal on the following day.
-- ?? $TST.total == 16 ?? |~~~Cleric is temporarily barred from using his lay on hands ability. The deity will not grant healing powers for the next [[ 1d4 ]] days. After that time, the cleric regains the use of his healing abilities.
-- ?? $TST.total == 17 ?? |~~~The cleric loses access to [[ 1d4+1 ]] spells, randomly determined from all the character knows. These spells cannot be cast for the next 24 hours.
-- ?? $TST.total == 18 ?? |~~~Cleric is temporarily unable to turn unholy creatures. The cleric regains the ability after [[ 1d4 ]] days.
-- ?? $TST.total == 19 ?? |~~~The cleric is stained with the mark of the unfaithful. This physical mark appears like a brand, tattoo, or birthmark, with the symbol determined by the cleric’s faith. The symbol is automatically visible to all worshippers of the cleric’s faith, even through clothing, but may be invisible to others. To all who see and comment on the mark, the cleric must explain his sin and describe what he is doing as penance. If he continues to sustain his faith for a week while retaining the mark, it disappears.
-- ?? $TST.total >= 20 ?? |~~~The cleric’s ability to lay on hands is restricted. The ability works only once per day per creature healed – no single character can be healed more than once per day. After 24 hours, the ability’s use reverts to normal.
How would you do it?