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Experienced GM looking to serve as a Player in a Fresh Ongoing Campaign. (All days/times/Pathfinder non module preferred).

About me: 8 years of GM experience running home design modules, 3 years of experience as a player. I'm a heavy role player that builds complex characters and actually sticks to them (even if it leads to their death). I prefer a 60/40 - 70/30 combat to story split, but am willing to consider alternatives. I am not opposed to house rules so long as they are clearly defined. My time zone is EST, although I am available at all times and 7 days a week (I work from home and make my own hours). I prefer experienced (non veteran) players that are willing to go with the flow, but I traditionally play well with everyone. I have Skype, microphone, and webcam availability, and I have Herolab keys to go around. If you have any questions please ask them below and I will do my best to answer them as soon as possible.
Good to know, looking at trying to start a new game with a more rp element then combat.  Will post more information later. 
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... It's a DnD 5E game, but until you find your group, it's a pretty sweet option. ^^ We love, love, LOVE roleplay, and the game and story is absolutely amazing. A lot of our players find it extremely dramatic and even emotionally difficult, as a lot of stuff happens. &gt;.&lt;&nbsp; We play daily, so until ya find your group, feel free to hang out with us. xP
Are you still looking, and are you interested in an OSR version of Dungeon World?