Well, it's hard to say. If it were up to me, we'd just "kitchen sink" the whole thing, and put them all in, with a hash option for catch-all issues with subtleties in system variation. Maybe use a page on the wiki to let users manage the list themselves, and to let the community decide how to lump things together and when. But the Roll20 devs don't seem to want to do that, and conceding to their users is something they tend to be against. So ultimately, we're forced to find a way to let the community make clear which thing to add next, so as to avoid chicken-and-egg problems, but also to allow the Roll20 devs the opportunity to pick and choose among proposed options, as they seem insistent on doing. And since it's the devs ultimately doing the picking, it doesn't make much sense to propose something they have less of a chance of cooperating with. We know they're at least sort of willing to use the suggestion forum. So it only makes sense to duplicate it completely, rather than customize something.