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[SW - EotE] How to use Critical Injuries ?

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi, I'm about to launch a game of Star Wars EotE and I can't figure out how to use the critical injuries part. Can someone used it ? Can he explain how to use it ? Thanks

Edited 1440104399
Josh A.
Sheet Author
clicking "roll critical" will automatically roll on the critical injury table for you and add the injury to your sheet. it shows the difficulty to heal it with a medicine check, and clicking the "heal" button removes it. when rolling an injury, putting anything in the "critical roll offset" field will add that number to your roll (moving you higher up the table, as some racial abilities/talents do) the roll automatically increases based on the number of injuries you have. if you want to roll yourself and then add it to the sheet, just put your roll in the "critical number" and hit add, and it will just add that one directly to your sheet. also, i believe this only functions with the dice roller script installed

Edited 1440106224
Sheet Author
API Scripter
When I click on "roll critical", it does nothing and I see that in the chat characterid(-jx1nnxcqworotlia1db),crit(roll) Roll: Maybe I miss something. Do I fill a specific value of the character sheet in order for the critical roll works? EDIT ======================= My bad, I didn't have the last version of the API script :( Now it works.

Edited 1440106192
Josh A.
Sheet Author
no, you should be able to roll with all the fields blank. Do you have the newest version of the  EotE roller script installed? edit: yep that was it :P glad you got it working!