Hello all! My name is Denathil, but you might as well get used to calling me Mutt. RotG has been running for a few years now and recently wrapped up one of the campaigns. As real life is catching up with some of our members, we are looking to fill the seats as we prepare to kick off the next series of play. So, who are we? We are just a small group of players who met here on roll20 a good while ago. We meet, in the evening 2130 Central Standard more often than not and throw some dice, virtually speaking. Now and then we play other games together to break the pace but for the most part we're a tabletop RPG group. Games we cover go from various D&Ds (3.5/4/5), Shadowrun (5), Legend of the Five Rings, Edge of the Empire, and a few others. This coming session is going to be either The Void (available for free off of drivethrurpg!), or a specialized D&D5, it is up for debate at the moment. Personally I would like to find a GM who is interested in taking one of the hosting nights off of my hands as work is going to steal a few of my nights from me here soon and I have a small army of characters who are begging to be played. We are new-player friendly and if I don't help you with character design, someone might. We're actually starting a new thing this month within the group for character design contests (It's going to be a blast!).&nbsp; What slot is open: Thursday 2130, 3-4 players are offered to join three of our veterans as we delve into a new campaign. We only ask that you remain mature and in good humors. Depending on how things go I have considered re-opening our Saturday session, but that is unlikely as even I need a night away from the tabletop :P Even if you don't take a seat at our table, you are welcome to join us as fellow enthusiasts. I will happily answer any questions you might have! I am best reached at <a href="mailto:theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com</a> as, while I am happy they have made changes to the HUD for roll20, it still does not split Forum and Private messages :).&nbsp; Happy hunting!