<a href="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Charles082986/9" rel="nofollow">https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Charles082986/9</a>... When I attempt to open my character sheet, the browser crashes. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome. The HTML for the sheet is about 1.2Mb and the CSS is about another 16kb. Typically, when a sheet has been too big for Roll20, I got an error message when attempting to save that indicated the sheet would not be updated to to file size limitations. With this sheet, I do not get those errors. If I had to guess, I would say that the problem is with the hidden inputs I have (nearly 140) that are used to calculate saving throws based on classes, which involves a lot of ((ceil((x-y)/100)*(x-y))+(ceil((2+y-x)/100)*(z)) (repated about 21 times per line). This determines the maximum number of classes in any class in a group of classes, finds the saving throw value for that group of classes based on the highest level found, and then takes the best value found across all groups of classes, which becomes the target's saving throw. If it is those calculation inputs that are crashing the browser, is there a simpler way to run the calculation? Ideally I would like to avoid handing the calculation over to the API, as our GM may not have a mentor subscription.