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Mark tokens' height on the battle map

It would be a nice feature to mark tokens at different heights. This would work well with flying, underwater, or simply complex 2+ level combat (such as ledges). The tokens have 3 locations for numbered stats. Most games I run I only need HP and, possibly, mana. So that would leave the 3rd stat for altitude but that information only comes up when the token is highlighted. What does everyone else think? My username is Brian R. but had trouble logging in.
I think a simlpe way to do this would be add a stats affect that you can put in as a number on the token would work well for this.
I think you could use the text tool to write a number and group it with the unit, haven't actually tried this, but I have done similar stuff.
+1 (I will also be using one of the bars for my game. But either allowing changing the icon on the circle or adding a fourth bar [vertical!] would be keen.)
I'll pass on the idea of making the icons next to the token circles pickable
If there was space to add more characters for a name, maybe under the Name Title, as in Npc  X, Flying 30ft ?