Doing this without a Roll Query is pretty rough! No Roll Query means the Roll Template is going to be either very messy (five inline rolls?!) or very intuitive (leading to more threads like this one). Probably the best I can do without a Roll Query is this: **Normal:[[ d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]**
**Bonus: [[ 2d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] / [[ 3d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]**
**Penalty: [[ 2d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] / [[ 3d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]** Some options with Roll Queries... One inline roll: [[ ?{Bonus/Penalty|None, d10|Bonus (1), 2d10kh1|Bonus (2), 3d10kh1|Penalty (1), 2d10kl1|Penalty (2), 3d10kl1} * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]
or, with 'tens' and 'ones' dice in separate inline rolls:
/r [[?{Bonus/Penalty|None, d10|Bonus (1), 2d10kh1|Bonus (2), 3d10kh1|Penalty (1), 2d10kl1|Penalty (2), 3d10kl1} * 10 - 10]] + [[d10]]
or, for those who don't like /r and don't mind doing a bit of mental math:
[[ ?{Bonus/Penalty|None, d10|Bonus (1), 2d10kh1|Bonus (2), 3d10kh1|Penalty (1), 2d10kl1|Penalty (2), 3d10kl1} * 10 - 10]] + [[ d10 ]] One or two inline rolls: ?{Extra 'tens' dice|
[[ d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] |
**Bonus:** [[ 2d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]
**Penalty:** [[2d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10]] |
**Bonus:** [[ 3d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]
**Penalty:** [[3d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10]]
} ?{Bonus/Penalty|
[[ d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] |
**2 'tens' dice:** [[ 2d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]]
**3 'tens' dice:** [[ 3d10kh1 * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] |
**2 'tens' dice:** [[2d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10]]
**3 'tens' dice:** [[3d10kl1 * 10 - 10 + d10]]
} As above, but with nested Roll Queries (one inline roll): [[ ?{Bonus/Penalty|
None, d10 |
Bonus, ?{Bonus dice|
One, 2d10kh1 |
Two, 3d10kh1
} |
Penalty, ?{Penalty dice|
One, 2d10kl1 |
Two, 3d10kl1
} * 10 - 10 + d10 ]] As above, but with 'tens' and 'ones' dice in separate inline rolls: [[ ?{Bonus/Penalty|
None, d10 |
Bonus, ?{Bonus dice|
One, 2d10kh1 |
Two, 3d10kh1
} |
Penalty, ?{Penalty dice|
One, 2d10kl1 |
Two, 3d10kl1
} * 10 - 10 ]] + [[ d10 ]]