Unsure if this has been mentioned, but a lot of the items from the Adventurer's Gear table in the SRD is missing from the compendium.
The items I cannot find in the compendium: Acid (vial), Alchemist's fire (flask), Crossbow bolts, Sling bullets, Blowgun needles, Ball bearings (bag of 1,000), Block and tackle, Bottle (glass), Case (both crossbow bolt and map/scroll), Chain (10 feet), Chalk (1 piece), Climber's Kit, Clothes (all four of them), Component pouch, Druidic foci (all except for totem), Fishing tackle, Tankard, Grappling hook, Hammer (sledge), Holy Symbols (all three), Holy water (flask), Hunting trap, Ink (1 ounce bottle), Ink pen, Pitcher, Ladder (10-foot), Lantern (both types), Magnifying glass, Mess kit, Mirror (steel), OIl (flask), Paper (one sheet), Parchment (one sheet), Perfume (vial), Pick (miner's), Poison (basic, vial), Pole (10-foot... blasphemy!), Pot (iron), Ram (portable), Rations (1 day), Rope (both kinds), Scale (merchant's), Sealing wax, Signal whistle, Signet ring, Spikes (iron, 10), Tent.
All of these are on the Adventuring Gear table in the SRD, so I don't know why they aren't in the compendium in some form.
In addition, Poisoner's kit from the Tools table seems to be missing. Also all items from the Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles table are missing (though the latter makes a bit more sense than all the Adventuring Gear stuff).