Hello. I'm looking to begin designing a campaign, which usually takes a few months, but I have several concepts in mind and would appreciate the opinion of the public. Also, if anyone is interested in joining in the future, please sound off and I'll do my best to keep tabs on everyone as the campaign comes together. The core concept is that there will be a party of 5 heroes and 5 villains. Each will have their own GM with their own Skype groups, but sharing the same Roll20 game. From time to time, based on the actions of the groups, they will work against each other and occasionally come into direct contact - ending in mass brawls. With this core concept, I have several settings and game systems to work with. Please let me know what sounds appealing. #1 - X-MEN vs HELLIONS System: Big Eyes Small Mouth (BESM/Silver Age Sentinels) Concept: Hero Characters are young mutants of Emma Frost's Massachusetts Academy of the Gifted. When Frost's former organization, the Hellfire Club, was attacked its young apprentices vowed revenge - blaming Frost for the betrayal. Action will primarily take place in and around New York, from sabotage missions in bases to known-down, drag out fights in the streets of Manhattan. #2 - PROJECT ROGUE II System: Big Eyes Small Mouth (BESM/Silver Age Sentinels) Concept: Similar to #1 but in a non-descript world, heroes are young defenders of truth and justice in a world threatened by the villains - ambitious young criminals looking to make their mark. Characters could be aliens, robots, mutants, science experiments, or any combination thereof. Characters work with or against local police, military, street gangs, and other organizations in their bid for control. #3 - TARTARUS: WAR OF THE TITANS System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Concept: After being sealed for centuries, the gates of Tartarus have shattered. Foul demons and vicious monsters have spilled across the surface of Helas, plunging the realm into chaos. Heroes are humans and Greek-themed races that have banded together to fight the darkness. Villains are agents of evil, whether born or conscripted. Tartarus will feature mass combat, large armies and political espionage on a grand scale. #4 - FAYADOR System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Concept:
Similar to #1 but in a non-descript fantasy world, heroes and villains are standard fantasy fare. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, drow, goblins and more. Like Tartarus, it focuses heavily on mass combat and regional control. Persuading or eliminating kings, rallying or intimidating locals, securing trade routes, and other tactics can turn the tide of the war in your favor. #5 - STAR WARS: DARK TIMES System: Star Wars Saga Edition Concept:
66 has been initiated. In one fell swoop, the newly-appointed Emperor Palpatine
has wiped away the Old Republic and destroyed its supporters. In its place the
Grand Army has become the Galactic Empire, and its billions of citizens
Imperial subjects. Heroes are Jedi padawans, nobles, and rebels who defy the villains - an assembled troop of Imperial cadets. Though the galaxy is a vast place, there are few places the Rebels and Imperials will not clash. PS: When you reply, also state your interest in either the Hero or Villain team.