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Ipad app problem

the application does not start the game. loading begins, but that's all stopped. what could be the problem?
What game is this happening for? Can you provide me with a link to it?

Edited 1454449805
it's D&D 3.5 [[Link Removed by Mod for Game Privacy]]
Okay, thanks. I figured out the problem and have submitted a new version to Apple. It may take a few days for it to show up, though.
I too have this issue, I am using Ipad Air 2 and my game link is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My games have 2 maps and 5 characters and I'm trying to connect on it has a GM. I tested it on another&nbsp;game that I only have a character (no maps) and it's working. Please help. Thank you!
Julien L. said: I too have this issue, I am using Ipad Air 2 and my game link is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My games have 2 maps and 5 characters and I'm trying to connect on it has a GM. I tested it on another&nbsp;game that I only have a character (no maps) and it's working. Please help. Thank you! Are you using version 1.5.1 of the app?
Riley, Thank you for your reply. Yes I just Bought the Ipad and I installed the most recent version downloaded from the appstore.
Julien L. said: Riley, Thank you for your reply. Yes I just Bought the Ipad and I installed the most recent version downloaded from the appstore. And to confirm, the issue that you are having is that the screen gets to the loading screen and then just gets stuck?

Edited 1455203616
Riley, Yes, I have the Ipad with me and I tested it again and I figured out that there is a little difference with R0ot's issue: There is some messages down from "Loading...", ex:&nbsp;"Reading core rule books...". When I restart the application (logout/login tested too), the message sometime change, ex:"Rolling 1d20..." *laugh*. I tried once to let it like that for more then an hour thinking the game was too big, but still stuck with those messages that never change like usual.

Edited 1455205497
Riley, I forgot to tell you that we are using the Pathfinder system. It's not D&D 3.5. Thank you again!
Julien, I have tracked down the issue. It has to do with the fact that the iOS and Android apps don't currently support playing tracks in the Jukebox. In your current game, if you stop your Jukebox playlist from playing (hit the Stop button next to Ambience) then it will work for your tablet players. I have pushed a fix for this (so you can use the Jukebox properly even though the tablet apps don't play the sound) but it might take a few days to show up on the App Store, it will be version 1.5.2 when it is available.&nbsp; Thanks!

Edited 1455309355
Riley, thank you alot for this solution, I will check this out today. If there is something else related to this, I will let you know. Thank you again!
This does not seem fixed in the latest. &nbsp;1.5.2
I have the latest version of the iPad app (1.5.2) but still have this issue. When I select to join a game it gets stuck on the loading screen. I can select journal, compendium, etc but nothing happens, just the loading screen. Forever. This happens with my D&D 5e and Pathfinder games. :(
Dudley B. said: This does not seem fixed in the latest. &nbsp;1.5.2 Tania R. said: I have the latest version of the iPad app (1.5.2) but still have this issue. When I select to join a game it gets stuck on the loading screen. I can select journal, compendium, etc but nothing happens, just the loading screen. Forever. This happens with my D&D 5e and Pathfinder games. :( Did both of you try the workaround I posted above in regards to the Jukebox? If not it might not be the same issue. If that doesn't fix it give me a link to your games and I will take a look.
I can confirm that it isn't from the jukebox. Just tested it with my GM and it didn't make a difference. :(
Tania R. said: I can confirm that it isn't from the jukebox. Just tested it with my GM and it didn't make a difference. :( Okay, can you give me a link to the game so I can take a look?

Edited 1457086949
I'm getting this same issue with the permanent loading screen right now I was setting up my ipad for roll 20 and I get stuck on loading, I am able to press the journal chat, etc buttons but all it does is highlight them. I checked on my computer and there is no music playing and this happens In multiple games including pathfinder, pokemon tabletop and mage the awakening. Edit Im on app version 1.5.2 with latest IOS Edit 2 Ok so after getting in to and old campaign I tryied the one I'll be playing and while it did load, it loaded in to the old campain. so I removed myself from that game and restarted my ipad and tryied again, I'm now in my current campaign but with no map.
There is a new version of the App out now, 1.5.3, which I believe should fix this issue. Let me know if it's still ocurring for you, Kiri.
Hey I am still having an issue with not having a map , when i was buying my sub I thought that table on tablet ment I would be able to see the map and tokens on tablet&nbsp;