Hello, We're looking for a replacement for a player that left our group awhile ago. We're playing Pathfinder system, and about mid-way through the Reign of Winter adventure path. PCs are 8th level right now. We play approximately weekly, but the actual days change depending on work schedules and when the most players can get together. Time playing is generally 8 PM PST for approx 3 hours. We are a generally easy-going bunch. Not heavy on the role-playing. We have a PC for anyone interested to play. If you join us, and you fit with our group, there is a definite real possibility of creating your own PC down the line. We use Skype for voice communication as the last time we used roll20's built in voice chat it was...lacking. We don't use video though, so no worries there. :) Any questions, feel free to respond here or the listing is at: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/42894/the-reign-of-winter-3" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/42894/the-reign-of-winter-3</a>