18 th of Neth, At the generous offer from Balor I am going to attend the morning meeting of this “Goblin Squad.” In the morning, I must admit I am rather curious to see how the humans have trained their goblins. 19 th of Neth, That was the most disgraceful scene I have ever witnessed in my life, their “leader” a whelp of human named Grady had no control over them, they spoke out of turn, nothing about them spoke of any extensive training, and they excluded an aura of indifference and disrespect! I brought this up to Balor after the morning meeting, thou I think he could see the disgust on my face as plain as the sun. I told him that it would take much more than me simply teaching the them some combat techniques to make them into a suitable squad, and if he gave me free reign to train them as I saw fit I could guarantee him marked improvements.He was willing to give the chance, thou Herr Grady was less then pleased at the idea I think. 20 th of Neth, I have begun training the Goblin Squad as of today, they we’re..less than thrilled about the news, especially Roxerez, it shouldn’t take too long to stomp out that rebellious spirit. For the first few days I’ll simply be setting the foundation of a soldier, then when I have instilled them with the basics we can move onto what they are good at. 23 rd of Neth, Basic training is going well, everyone for the most part is shaping up finely. Except for Roxreez of course, I must commend her for keeping up her defiance, we will see what another few days in the cell will do to that spirit. However Herr Grady does not seem to like my methods, he hasn’t said anything as of yet, but I can see the disapproval in his face. I will deal with that when I must, until then I will continue to fix the mistakes he’s made. 24 th of Neth, Finally came to a head with Herr Grady, he told me all I was teaching the Goblin Squad is to be killers, not people. I informed him I was training soldiers, not civilians. We then got into an argument for a good hour about humanizing the goblins, I finally conceded that we “Co-lead” I would handle the martial training and everything important and he would be in charge of the instilling of humanity, along with agreeing to be less “Harsh” with the squad. It would be pointless to try and explain to him that the way one trains a goblin is entirely different from how one trains a goblin. But I know I am outnumbered in this argument, so I will make allowances for the people, I only hope that it does not stunt all the progress the squad has made, we begin more specific training tomorrow. 25 th of Neth, I lost Gromulas and Greemus to the Glassworks, I would have like to have been informed about this, but I suppose Herr Miro had his reasons. However the rest of the squad are taking well so far, Firestarter needs little work, he and Armstrong have made an excellent base of muscle, now all I need to do is teach him proper technique. Grosgomort and Scummer, they’ve begun luftmench training, right now their time from the beach to the garrison is unacceptable at 8 minutes, I hope to get that to 5 come the 27 th . Rotgut isn’t worth mentioning, the sniveling little whelp, then there is Roxreez. Still after nearly a week of the harshest punishments I could dole out there is still that fiery defiance burns, even if she no longer voices it. There is a great fire in that goblin, a fire that, if focus, could be useful, we will see if lasts thru Neth. 26 th of Neth, When I got out of bed this morning my right leg started hurting, the pain reminded me of fire. I feel it’s only going to get worse, how I wish Moloch had made me an elf, think of all things I could accomplish if only I had the time. It’s times like these I am glad for leaving the unit, Thomlon would be trying every concoction he knew of, probably be rubbing dried orc dung on my leg and praying to some obscure deity of legs, Sadie would chide me for such weakness, Sven would probably try to cheer me on to persevere. None of it would work, and they’d be forced to watch me degrade with every passing day, probably going half blind come my 35 th year, dead by 40, barley a blink for the rest of them. I had better not dwell on it, it is pointless to dwell on what cannot be changed. 27 th of Neth, Grosgomort and Scummer have gotten their time down to 3 minutes 42 seconds, gave them an extra food ration for that. They are determined I cannot deny them that, much like humans, I think Herr Grady would be pleased to hear that. I’ve started them on weighted packs, 30 right now but I’ll gradually increase it. 28 th of Neth, I keep seeing Ariovistus in my dreams as of late, it’s strange, I haven’t thought of him keenly in years. I don’t know if he’s become more fearsome in my mind or if he was always that way, his single eye blazing like a fire, he’s dead now, killed by an ambitious lieutenant no doubt. It’s always the same dream, I’m standing with the remaining Jager trainees, our hands still covered in the blood of the others we had to kill in one on one combat, he’s coming to each of us and presenting us with our uniforms and granting us the ranks we had trained and killed for. When he comes to me he talks of what I am now, I says I am both the ideal hob and an utter failure, he raises his blade and cuts off my head, and he picks it up and continues to berate me, even thou I am long dead. I wonder, if I had stayed in the warband, would I have been that lieutenant that killed Ariovistus, would I be general? 30 th of Neth, I am enjoying the evening silence with Balor more and more, we talk if the mood strikes either of us but it is nice simply to sit and enjoy the fact that nothing is going wrong at the moment. I wonder if Signus and Ariovistus we’re the same way? Training goes well for the squad, Firestarter is truly shaping up to an excellent soldier, I can trust him to conduct himself properly, with minor allowances of bravado, hopefully that will subside with time. Grosgomort and Scummer are doing much better, they hardly need more than a sip after their run, although getting them to remember the signal words is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Even Roxerez’s combat skills are improving, she would be competent if she did not let her anger run wild, it must be focused to be affective, but that is for later. 1 st of Kuthona, I it would be better to move Grosgomort and Scummer to wolfreitter training, they simply aren’t fast enough for my liking. I’m still having them continue their training until I can get ahold of some wolf cubs, it would crush their resolve if I pulled them out of Luftmench training now, I already have them up to 48 pounds. I sparred with Firestarter later in the day, he’s getting closer to actually landing a blow, and moreover he actually managed to disarm me, he would have been able to hit me if he hadn’t wasted his time gloating. I taught him a lesson in humility that I think he will soon not forget, the scars will be an excellent reminder. I can’t help but be proud of him nevertheless, he’s learning quickly, it seems that goblins appetites are voracious in more ways in one. I had to throw Roxreez in the brig for a few days, I had asked her to repeat to me the rules and regulations of Sandpoint, when she couldn’t tell me what they we’re she called me “An idioit! You are like some fat goblin except uglier!” At that point she proceeded to throw anything at arm’s reach at me before I had pinned her to the ground and tossed her in a cell. I have to admit I was rather impressed, I could hear her cursing all the way from the training room, kept it up for several hours before going hoarse. 2 nd of Kuthona, Leg acts up more often, able to bare it, I don’t think anyone has noticed, no one perceptive enough fortunately. I can learn to live with it. 4 th of Kuthona, Grady came to me today after a sparring session with Firestarter (He still gloats too much.) he said he thought I was being too hard on the squad “They’s goblins Gulo, they ain’t as strong as humans you can push them so hard.” I told him that the world will push them harder than I ever could. A bandit doesn’t become any weaker in battle and a fellow guard doesn’t become any lighter when he needs to be dragged away. I told him I did not worry about pushing the squad too hard, because in each and every one of them is the potential to put their entire guard to shame! The road to meet that potential would he hard and painful, but nothing in the world worth doing is painless. He agreed to the last part, but made me promise to not use my whip on the squad. I agreed, a whip isn’t very useful in training anyway. 5 th of Kuthona, My leg gave out today. I was running with Grosgomort and Scummer (They can easily keep up with me.) we we’re making our way back up the beach when me leg refused to move, it was stiff as iron and when I forced it the pain was indescribable. I fell to the ground, thankfully Grosgomort and Scummer didn’t notice (Note to self, double up on their scout training, they should have noticed.) and when I caught up with them they we’re too busy making the warning signals to realized I had lagged behind. That is something rather admirable about them, given a task they take to it with a blinding focus. Moloch take this failing body! 9 th of Kuthona, I’ve made my mind up about Roxreez, after nearly a month of intense training and punishment her rebellious nature is there, she is a horrible excuse for a guard with such a temperament, and no amount of training will change that. However, she will make an excellent Jager, I need only the means to make her a rifle of her very own, the forges of Sandpoint are inadequate for such a task, hopefully an opportunity to go to Magnimar will present itself, perhaps take the squad there as a training exercise.