Hey, Peach B. Welcome to Roll20! I highly recommend checking out the first post in our New to Roll20 or RPGs? thread. Unfortunately, on the Community Forums, we only allows discussion that is directly related to Roll20. This is from the Roll20 Community Code of Conduct : The
Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of
the Roll20 program. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on
another website SHOULD be discussed there. If you're interested in playing a custom race, I would recommend presenting it to your GM and asking for feedback/permission on a case-by-case basis. If you're interested in discussing homebrew in D&D, here are some good places to hold this discussion: /r/rpg /r/dnd /r/dndnext /r/ADND /r/Pathfinder_RPG Good luck and happy rolling!