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[WFRP] Bug Warhammer Fantasy Role Play sheet

I used to play with the Warhammer fantsy character sheet of roll 20 but recently, the macro to roll Characteristics doesn't work anymore. The chat display this: "There was an error with your formula. Please try again". Is there something to do ?
Forum Champion
Could you please post the contents of the sheet button that is outputting this error? To acquire the contents of a sheet button: Click on the sheet button. Focus the text chat input box (by clicking into to it, or using the Advanced Shortcut c c ). When it's focused, a blue outline appears around it. Press the up arrow key on your keyboard. The contents of the sheet button will then populate the text chat input box.
Thanks for your answer, here is the contents of the sheet buttons that is outputting the error : /em rolls versus Weapon Skill /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|WeaponSkill}]] /em rolls versus Ballistic Skill /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|BallisticSkill}]] /em rolls versus Strength /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Strength}]] /em rolls versus Toughness /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Toughness}]] /em rolls versus Agility /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Agility}]] /em rolls versus Intelligence /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Intelligence}]] /em rolls versus Willpower /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Willpower}]] /em rolls versus Fellowship /roll d100<[[@{Drokkin Snorgil|Fellowship}]] It appears that it's the "/em rolls versus " part who brought the error. I'm not a premium user I don't know if I can edit the input.

Edited 1458682732
Forum Champion
Nicolas R. said: It appears that it's the "/em rolls versus " part who brought the error. I'm not a premium user /em is a Chat Command (all of which except /fx are available within games created by Free users). The issue appears to be that it is not possible to /roll within an emote. I've created an Issue thread on GitHub and @mentioned the sheet's recent authors; hopefully this issue will be resolved soon. :)
Timothy S.
Sheet Author
Looking into it. @wrathborn recently made a commit that may have removed some unicode tricks that enabled this to work.
Timothy S.
Sheet Author
Fixed in pull request #1530
Thanks a lot for your help !
Timothy S.
Sheet Author
Nicolas R. said: Thanks a lot for your help ! Let me know if that works. I've tested it, but YMMV. Or at least your expectations.
It works perfectly !