You mentioned that you know how to make the webcam video smaller on-screen with the Video Avatar Size setting, Wiki Docs, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Other than that, just increase your screen resolution, and save screen real estate. To save screen real estate, you can pop-out the Chat Room (works best if you have 2 monitors, put the Chat on your 2nd screen). To pop out the Chat room, double-click the Chat icon at the TOP of the chatroom (next to Journals, Jukebox, Settings, etc). Or you can minimize and hide the chatroom if you don't need to see it -- Click the little button with the triplebar at top-left side of chat. Click it again to show the chat again. If you have a Tablet to use as a 2nd-screen device, run the free Roll20 App on the tablet, for the Chat room and dice. Last idea, increasing screen resolution, by this I mean hook your computer up to a 1080p HD TV for the Roll20 window, if you happen to be currently using a smaller-resolution computer monitor or laptop. Others may come along with different methods! Hope this helps.