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[5e Shaped] 2.3.2+

Kryx said: Kryx said: How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. The instructions for how to update versions are in the OP. Dev server should have no impact on this feature. The only thing that should matter is the sheet version. That's odd, the copied game to the dev server allows me to add slots and fill them out but seems to hassle whenever I try to remove old slots. So I tried updating to the custom sheet and even the new version is bugged out when I try it. Same issue, spell slots removed spells pop back in and spell slots added disappear. If you want to I can give you an invite to the game and you can check it out for yourself.
you guys have been tremendously helpful and we love the new sheet. Thanks for all your time and effort in this.
you guys have been tremendously helpful and we love the new sheet. Thanks for all your time and effort in this.
Linus L. said: Kryx said: Kryx said: How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. The instructions for how to update versions are in the OP. Dev server should have no impact on this feature. The only thing that should matter is the sheet version. That's odd, the copied game to the dev server allows me to add slots and fill them out but seems to hassle whenever I try to remove old slots. So I tried updating to the custom sheet and even the new version is bugged out when I try it. Same issue, spell slots removed spells pop back in and spell slots added disappear. If you want to I can give you an invite to the game and you can check it out for yourself. Did you use a completely new character sheet? Or did you fill out a sheet in an older version of the sheet then upgrade?  The first would prove a bug, the second I believe Kryx said is not supported.
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Linus, your report very much sounds like you're on an old edition still. Please ensure you see 2.4.2 at the top of the page. If that doesn't work make sure that the spell filters look as they do by default (turn every single one of them off).

Edited 1460231303
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2.4.3 Class Features are merged into Features & Traits (technical name is traits). I have regenerated all traits based on the current character levels. I had a conversion from class features setup, but it would cause problems when levels are updated. If anyone had custom class features they are lost. Traits can be ordered by the user so they can choose which ones show at the top (I'd suggest whichever ones are most commonly used). Core page UI has been adjusted as a result Traits now have second damage Traits now have uses (they only show in presentation if there are some uses defined). I really hope to fix the layout issues here (make the uses either at the beginning or end), but it seems troublesome More French translations Old traits that had a transfer warning for months have been removed
Things have calmed down so I should be able to so some testing/stay on top of the doc updates again. Not really noticing too many things, only see that monk's deflect missiles is getting a 0 damage field in features and traits and that the "Attacks" macro button hauls from NPC attacks but is visible on PC version of the sheet. Overall the only thing I am not sold on is the last update removing class features. I much prefer having the grey text field with adjustable uses as now with features and traits, a lot more work is involved to get something reasonable and the smaller text becomes more noticeable &nbsp;when trying to look for the remaining uses. So I can't say I care for the new Core page changes at this time. For the docs, here are the ones people should be looking at. Roll Template <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Attribute and Macros <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I tried to make sure this are up to date earlier (based on the current live version for everyone) but if things are missing that I didn't notice while I was away for awhile feel free to mention it, or even suggest the change on the google doc.
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2.4.4 Fix skills, attacks, and spells ability mod in output Hey Vanakoji, been a while. What do you mean by "Attacks macro button hauls from NPC attacks"? The button only shows for PCs for me and the output is empty. Features and Traits can be made to look nearly the same as class features by removing "display text". There is a line break before the uses, but I'm hoping to fix this eventually. The two sections shouldn't really have been split in the first place as the new version matches the paper sheet. In the new version the user can choose how to order these items and how to display these items (with long sentences or short compact versions). It still has uses and all the functionality (more actually) than class features. The only display difference is the line break before uses. On the docs: You don't need to include a table of contents as that is now shown on google docs itself as part of the Outline. You should also make a note of the sheet version you last updated the docs for.
May I suggest that a link to the docs be added to the first posts of these threads and on the wiki (noting that's it's only for the new version of the sheet), with a note that says that things are still in flux and some things may change? They are extremely useful, but the links kinda get lost in the middle of these threads when they get closed, and some new users seem to still use the wiki as reference and then get totally confused.&nbsp;
The initiative doesn't seem to work properly right now. The Dex bonus doesn't get added
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@Yadira: The wiki, as far as I'm concerned should be emptied and link to the google doc. I can also add a link in the OP of these posts and on the character sheet itself. @Simon: try adjusting your dex to 14 and then back to 16. It seems your characters lost the formula somehow. The few that I've tested seem to work fine.
My only real complaint about the change is the removal of the Class Features without warning. Since you don't transfer the user imputed features, I know have to re-enter them adding additional work for what appears to be a random change and I can't just copy and paste from the prior entries. If you have put some red text stating that this section will soon be removed, atleast then I would have some notice. Not everyone reads the forum posts(thinking of those that just have the sheet selected in game settings) and will not know what happened.
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I can place the old class features back in read only mode if people created custom ones. I assumed none had. I could also put back the convert and just don't convert any that appear in class features (more work). Keep in mind this version is only for Pro so it isn't everyone yet.
I would say put the Class Features back as read-only with a note that they will be removed. I don't know that a conversion is required, but a notice and a chance for us to move the custom features would be nice. I have added custom features from non-standard classes (blood hunter, gunslinger). As far a sheet access goes, I mentioned it since this kind of change could lead to numerous posts of "Where did my class features go?"
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Indeed. Anything I can do to avoid those kind of requests I'd like to do. I'll see if I can setup the converter again.
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2.4.5 Fixed "Attack" being toggled for some characters on spell import. Data import buttons are now always in view even when the user scrolls. 2.4.6 Added a message that Class Features have been converted to Traits. Added a converter for Class Features -&gt; Traits. It will convert anything named something that isn't in the normal list of class features. Tested it and it all seems to port over.
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Vanakoji, If it's ok with you it'd be nice if I had access to the google docs so I can make changes. :)
Sure, just sort of taking it easy today for now since I got some free time, will try and do some more testing later. Should have full edit access now instead of just suggest, set you to have edit access based on the gmail in the OP.
We tried out the new [ normal | adv | disadv ] buttons last night and they were boss, especially for lucky / inspiration.
For the Chat macro buttons added for PCs, the Attack button doesn't seem to work. It outputs the header, but no attacks.

Edited 1460312574
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TheWebCoder: Glad you like it! It works quite well imo. :) BP: That's correct. As mentioned in that release PC features haven't been done yet.
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Added Documentation link to the OP and the footer of the sheet.
I figured out what the issue with the initiative roll was. Due to the updates of the sheets - it seems that the connection between the token and the sheets got messed up somehow, reconnecting them fixed the issue.

Edited 1460343419
So first time using this version of the sheet (v2.3.2) and been running into an issue that is preventing me for filling it out, and so far google has not helped. When ever I fill in an editable field it doesnt seem to go through and fill in the equation and causes syntax errors. My GM on the other hand can simply click on a field press enter and it works fine. I have attempted reloading and clearing my cache but can not get it work with me. Example:&nbsp; No matter what I have tried in the yellow it doesn't populate the grey field and wont work for me, only when my GM does it will it work. Tried on Chrome and Firefox
Have you tried changing the name of the attack after you filled the rest? How about checking-unchecking attack or damage? I think that should force the sheet to update the fields. I would try the incognito mode of your browser, just in case it's a conflict with an extension. Anti virus/firewall shouldn't matter... Have you tried with a brand new character? Those are the things I would try. If nothing works, I hope Kryx has some idea of what is the problem. Good luck!
I used the weapon as an example though my skills, attributes and class fields are doing the same thing. Firefox Chrome (and incognito) were same results, even with a second sheet.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please test on the&nbsp; test campaign using "Frigroo". Otherwise I'll have to watch the console while you make changes which requires us to be on at the same time.
Alright, I changed what I could on the sheet seems its doing the same thing. Just let me know what else you'd like from me.&nbsp;

Edited 1460375554
BP said: My only real complaint about the change is the removal of the Class Features without warning. I agree with BP that this will have people come back complaining if it just disappears. Even if you can just recreate those that disappeared, you might have forgot one of those you had there and at least whether your Bard had 2 or 3 bardic inspiration points left before the update, if you didn't make a note manually before this was pushed, which can't be expected. Kryx already replied to this, however. Question mainly to the Pro users that have tested this: Are you able to get a good overview of what resources the character have left. I find it hard to browse through a huge list of feats & traits to see e.g. how many inspiration points the bard have left, and what other active feats and traits I have. I get that having 2 tables with basically the same info is stupid, but I would like maybe an easy toggle of a condensed view similar to the one on spells, and/or the ability to reorder the feats and traits by drag and drop like for spells to reorder them in a way that gives you a better overview, and/or a more clear presentation of the uses (even in Kryx's screenshot from yesterday where Rage is the first in the list the 3/3 is a bit hard to spot.). In the live version it was pretty much divided into an active and passive list, which usually helped players finding things fast.
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To be fair I did make a note of it in the OP: I'm planning on adjusting the look of Class Features to be more in line with features & traits. Meaning show the title, have a display text field and then show uses in the top right of that row. I'll implement that over the next few days. Though I can't expect everyone to read that. The overall process of putting a warning means that the feature is there for months (~2). With a sufficient conversion process (which is in place) it will cover nearly all cases. I will meet middle ground here however and convert ALL class features as they are and add a note to delete them for each user. If you want to have Features & Traits act as an overview then you can choose to remove the display text of it. It will then function nearly the same as Class Features did (except the line break which I'm hoping to fix). Features & Traits, like all repeating sections, are able to be dragged & dropped.
Janssen M. said: I used the weapon as an example though my skills, attributes and class fields are doing the same thing. Firefox Chrome (and incognito) were same results, even with a second sheet.&nbsp; Have had a very similar issue to this on my campaign last saturday. The sheet version is 2.4.2 - There was a HUGE delay between filling out the form and it actually updating the numbers (Changing charisma from 14 to 16 did not update Charisma mod from +2 to +3 . When pressing the pencil the number said 15+1, but when i click the pencil again and the yellow fields disappear it said 14). A similar thing have happened to one of the weapons. We were trying to make it to have DC 12 Con mod and when adding the additional +2 the DC would stay at 10 for a very long time. Our solution to the problem after a lot of frustration seemed to be a lot of clicking (Like 20+) on the number field in "Edit mode" .... After which it would force it to update for some reason. I've noticed that this slowness subsided the next morning (On sunday) and it seems to respond better now as well, so i am not sure if it was a peak load on Roll20, or is it something to do with the sheet. P.S. On an earlier version of the sheet (2.3.0) even during this "Peak time" the sheet responded with no delays
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Hi Geze, There has been no significant change in the sheet since 2.3.0 that would cause the lag like you describe. If fields are having problems saving that is a core function of Roll20's setup and is not reflective toward the sheet for the most part (unless the sheet somehow gets in a loop or processes, but I haven't heard any reports of such).
Kryx said: Hi Geze, There has been no significant change in the sheet since 2.3.0 that would cause the lag like you describe. If fields are having problems saving that is a core function of Roll20's setup and is not reflective toward the sheet for the most part (unless the sheet somehow gets in a loop or processes, but I haven't heard any reports of such). Thanks for the reference, I will keep on testing during the week and during our next session on Saturday to see if it indeed coincides with peak hours of users on Roll20
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Traits fixed to have uses show on the same line: &nbsp; I fiddled a lot with trying to put the uses after the name, but without breaking up the button it was impossible. Breaking up the button also causes issues as it is a button and not a link - meaning text doesn't wrap normally. Hopefully this will meet users needs. :)
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2.4.7 Traits UI layout for uses fixed as shown in the screenshots above. Traits Recharge will no longer add the word "Recharge" unless the recharge field is set to be a number (1, 2, 3, etc) Cleaned up the settings page with some organization for the many settings Added a houserule to add half proficiency bonus to unproficient saving throws All old Class Features are parsed over to Features & Traits. Any item from the predefined list will have "DELETE - " Prepended to the name.
Looking over things, its seems goo so far, there are a few things with features and traits though that are noticable - 3 digits in uses is a bit too pushed together, should only really appear on near level 20 characters. A level 20 paladin lay on hands for example when its 100/100 - Some features and traits don't have saves on them (Cleric Turn Undead, barbs relentless is no longer there may have been removed earlier or for a reason but I noticed that) - Damage fields are incorrect at times, for example the rogue sneak attack is adding dex to the sneak attack damage, improved divine smite is adding damage mods (old issue but its another one). Monk's deflect missiles just being dex are the ones I notice after a quick look. Thoughts - Not sure is 999/999 is needed now for level 20, maybe just set uses to blank to hide them now - I am still thinking about it but maybe spell slots and resistances and immunities could switch places. I kind of feel I prefer spell slots on top there.
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I didn't account for 3 digit uses as I thought that didn't exist, but with Lay on Hands it indeed does at level 20. I'll increase the width. I'll test the rest later - I'm a bit busy tonight and tomorrow.
Geze said: Kryx said: Hi Geze, There has been no significant change in the sheet since 2.3.0 that would cause the lag like you describe. If fields are having problems saving that is a core function of Roll20's setup and is not reflective toward the sheet for the most part (unless the sheet somehow gets in a loop or processes, but I haven't heard any reports of such). Thanks for the reference, I will keep on testing during the week and during our next session on Saturday to see if it indeed coincides with peak hours of users on Roll20 Are you using window popouts? I have a similar issue when playing if my character sheet is in a popout. It works fine if it isn't, however, so I just stretch my chrome window across multiple monitors.
@Kryx: Is the halflings Lucky accounted for in attacks when Halflings Lucknis checked on the sheet? I have a player starting a new halfling character and we're not seeing it. He's been able to roll 1's. First halfling I've had to DM for, so it could just be my lack of knowledge on the issue.&nbsp;

Edited 1460420106
Halfling Luck isn't accounted for attacks, looks like&nbsp;the attribute "&nbsp;@{CHARACTER|d20_mod} " is missing in the formula for roll1. Also, the option for rolling 2 dices (old way) is not working anymore (at least for me, I have a error " No attribute was found for&nbsp;@{CHARACTER|attr_roll_2} " ).
I have all the characters and NPC set with roll two dice and it works. I just had to choose something else, like advantange, and then set it as roll 2 dice again. Sheet v 2.3.2 You are right, the only attack roll that shows that is taking the Halfling Luck into account is roll 2, when rolling two dice. Neither roll 1, Normal, Advantage or Disadvantage have ro&lt;1[halfling luck] in the attack roll formula
Something weird is happening...when I add a new character, the sheet version is displayed as 'Shaped v'. I have other character sheets that display the correct version#. Initially, I was on 2.3.2 (rolled out by Roll20) but then imported the latest 2.4.7 into custom sheet and again, same problem. I even created a new campaign and same thing happens. Also tried firefox. The sheet seems to work ok, though. Is it just me?
Since I upgraded to version 2.4.7, any time I use a PC attack I get the follow message: I think it has to do with the Roll 2 rolling option which my group prefers.

Edited 1460434963
have you tried changing that setting to something else and then back to roll 2 dice? If that doesn't work, try unchecking the attack field of the weapon and then checking it again. Usually qhen I have an issue after the update, doing stuff like that fixes things.
Yadira said: have you tried changing that setting to something else and then back to roll 2 dice? If that doesn't work, try unchecking the attack field of the weapon and then checking it again. Usually qhen I have an issue after the update, doing stuff like that fixes things. Tried switching to different roll option and then back. &nbsp;Also tried to unchecking attack and then rechecking. &nbsp;Still having the issue.

Edited 1460447962
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I see the roll2 issue as well. I will put out a fix later. For now you'll have to downgrade to 2.4.6 (or 2.4.5 - where ever it works). Also will fix halfling luck on attacks.
alexander h. said: Geze said: Kryx said: Hi Geze, There has been no significant change in the sheet since 2.3.0 that would cause the lag like you describe. If fields are having problems saving that is a core function of Roll20's setup and is not reflective toward the sheet for the most part (unless the sheet somehow gets in a loop or processes, but I haven't heard any reports of such). Thanks for the reference, I will keep on testing during the week and during our next session on Saturday to see if it indeed coincides with peak hours of users on Roll20 Are you using window popouts? I have a similar issue when playing if my character sheet is in a popout. It works fine if it isn't, however, so I just stretch my chrome window across multiple monitors. Nope, it was within the window. We actually have not tried to pop the window out
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2.4.8 Halfling luck now correctly applies to attacks (also for spell attacks) Fixed the "roll 2" option. This should automatically update for all sheets, but if not then please go to the settings page and select a different roll setting and then set it back to "roll 2"

Edited 1460480224
@Kryx, regarding lag, I experience significant lag when opening sheets mostly (5-8 seconds sometimes - it varies and could be due to peak usage times but I don't think so as I am on Roll20 at various times of the day on various days of the week). Some minor lag (a couple of seconds) when closing or changing something on the sheet. No popped out windows but when I have the Jukebox running, opening a sheet causes the play to pause. It seems to have gotten worse over time but that might be due to more characters in the game (both PCs and NPCs). There is&nbsp; another thread that is addressing this. Edit: I just tried on a new game with only one sheet and found there is almost no lag and the jukebox doesn't even hiccup when opening a sheet. I think it is just my computer as my players have not complained about any lag. Chrome is not supported in Vista anymore. I can't use Firefox if I want to use the FX stuff so I'm stuck with Chrome. Also, what are your thoughts on this problem? It showed up Monday this week whereas the existing characters were created last week.&nbsp; Doug E. said: Something weird is happening...when I add a new character, the sheet version is displayed as 'Shaped v'. I have other character sheets that display the correct version#. Initially, I was on 2.3.2 (rolled out by Roll20) but then imported the latest 2.4.7 into custom sheet and again, same problem. I even created a new campaign and same thing happens. Also tried firefox. The sheet seems to work ok, though. Is it just me?
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How many sheets do you have in your campaign? As Steve mentions in that post many characters in a campaign causes lag. I can do nothing about roll20's system here. If the lag disappears when you start a fresh campaign then I highly recommend you employ some strategies to reduce the number of sheets. Latest Chrome is always going to be faster so that lagging behind could definitely be an issue. Opening time will always take more - especially if you haven't opened sheets in a while. The way to cut down on this is to open all sheets every week. Otherwise they run several functions when opening to ensure they stay up to date with changes (which is adding to the processing time). Another user found an issue where old versions (before reshaped) had problems checking the version. I'll fix that, but I don't think that is causing the issue you're seeing.