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[5e Shaped] 2.3.2+

Sheet Author
API Scripter
This looks correct to me. 1/3 of 3 is 1 + 1 wizard = level 2 caster on table PHB 165 = 3 1st level spells. If you retoggle them this result is achieveable, but it seems there is some strange behavior. Try turning them off and back on. I'll add this to my list of things to look at (Haven't had time for longer fixes the last few days)/
Uh, Am I the only one? Or does the HTML link doesn't work anymore?
I'm getting "Not Found" when I click on either the HTML or CSS link in the OP.
Let's try that again...  Thanks everyone for the feedback.  At least it wasn't just me!  I'll switch my classes again and see if they level out correctly for spell slots.
Kryx said: @HeroComplex: The best migration plan is to duplicate your campaign and start each character from scratch. It should take all of 30 mins to an hour to copy PCs by referencing the old campaign (use multiple windows). For NPCs either the compendium drag & drop or the script. Great, thanks! I'll give that a go. Now to just convince my players to show up early enough to do that. Or to do it beforehand...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
HTML and css links seem fine to me: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm sorry for bugging you Kryx, just want to make sure that you have seen&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . But it's not a breaking bug in any way.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It's on my list in the OP. I just haven't had a chance to debug more complex issues.
Links are working fine now. Dunno what the problem was last night. Thanks!
Hmmm.... anyone know how to link passive perception to a token bar? Looked at documentation and didn't see anything about it there. I know it was doable with the old sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Repeating items are no longer accessible from the token bars. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... If you think this should change then please encourage roll20 to change it.
Awww man. &nbsp;OK. I will suggest and just have to type it in for now. Thanks.
So I am not a pro and I don't seem to be able to control what version of the character sheet I am using. &nbsp;And I am having the same issue with spell slots. &nbsp;Every time I get about half way through filling out the spell slot it just vanishes. I am using version 2.3.2 is there anything I can do to get around this? &nbsp;This problem only just started happening today 4-16-16. any help would be appreciated
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As a non-pro you have to wait until roll20 updates to the latest version. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... for their progress on merging it. That said it isn't fixed on the latest either. Either fiddle with it (set to something else, set back, repeat) or manually fix it via bonuses for now.
My party just made it to the hunting lodge in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and I am prepping monsters. I noticed that there is a troll variant here that has four arms, and attacks five times instead of two. As a result, its challenge rating is one higher: 6.&nbsp; I know you want to auto-calculate challenge rating. You may need to allow manual adjustments still to account for monsters like that troll.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Challenge is not auto calculated currently. When I do have auto calculation in it will be a toggleable option.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI I'm experiencing some weird behavior where repeating fields are not being set until I close the page and reopen. I'm noticing this with NPC skills in particular. The field is definitely set, but doesn't show until the sheet is closed. Hopefully this is just some random behavior.
When I use an attack for quarterstaff that I created I get this error No attribute was found for @{Joey|roll_info}
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Open the "Attributes & Abilities" tab of the character and add a field named "roll_info". No need to set a value.
I'm seeing something odd with NPC spell slots. When I create an NPC with the following Spellcasting trait: &gt;&gt; Spellcasting. Talis is a 9th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Talis has the following spells prepared from the cleric spell list: Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, lesser restoration, spiritual weapon (spear) 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, mass healing word, sending 4th level (3 slots): death ward, freedom of movement 5th level (1 slot): insect plague&nbsp; &gt;&gt; then I have, on the Spells tab, 8, 6, 6, 6, 2 spell slots. I can go into edit mode and set 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, and it looks like this: 4 / 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;8 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 1 / 1 &nbsp; &nbsp;2 And when I come out of edit mode again, I see: 4 / 8 3 / 6 3 / 6 3 / 6 1 / 2 Did that make sense as a description at all?
Thorsten B. said: I'm seeing something odd with NPC spell slots. When I create an NPC with the following Spellcasting trait: &gt;&gt; Spellcasting. Talis is a 9th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Talis has the following spells prepared from the cleric spell list: Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, lesser restoration, spiritual weapon (spear) 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, mass healing word, sending 4th level (3 slots): death ward, freedom of movement 5th level (1 slot): insect plague&nbsp; &gt;&gt; then I have, on the Spells tab, 8, 6, 6, 6, 2 spell slots. I can go into edit mode and set 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, and it looks like this: 4 / 4 &nbsp; &nbsp;8 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 3 / 3 &nbsp; &nbsp;6 1 / 1 &nbsp; &nbsp;2 And when I come out of edit mode again, I see: 4 / 8 3 / 6 3 / 6 3 / 6 1 / 2 Did that make sense as a description at all? It seems like the character sheet is adding both the calculated spell slots (something the sheet automatically does for spellcasting traits) and the same amount as a bonus, I have not got it to re-enable though. All I did was in edit mode, go the the spells tab and delete the middle column (the one that only appears is edit mode). After those bonus slots were removed it never re-enabled them and just used the default calculated amount, but it seems this is an issue with double spell slots with the spellcasting trait. This happens with things like archmage atm as well it seems. So the issue - Spellcasting trait on NPCs have auto calulated slots and the same amount of slots is being added as bonus slots caused double the spell slots on NPCs when parsing spellcasting traits.
Really liking the new spellsheet. Is it possible though to have it display the content field by default, or via a toggle like the compact button (which is fantastic by the way)? Often my players reference the spell list when they need to confirm the spell conditions, and presently it seems the only way to reveal the content field is to click it to cast it in the main chat, or to enter the editing mode.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Currently all spells show the same amount of rows which is really nice for alignment. Showing content would make them mis-align again and increase the space probably 2-4x. I will investigate doing it as a toggle if that meets your needs, but it can't be there by default.
I figured it was for aesthetic reasons and I completely agree that it shouldn't be the default view. If it could be added as a toggle that would be perfect for my own use case. That would give the Spell section a "compact/mid/full" kind of viewing experience for users, and help my new players in particular, as they frequently need to read through all their spells in detail before knowing which one they might want to use or prepare, as they haven't yet internalized all their details yet. Once they are a little more veteran, I'm sure the current default would become their new default as well (love the easy access to the "prepared" button as well on the default view). Thanks for the quick reply.

Edited 1461003511
Sheet Author
Before this gets complicated. I'll ask my dumb newbie question first... Why can I not enter a class into this sheet 2.3.2 from the 5e SRD ? Why cannot I not enter any text into the class level line? Using Chrome, Firefox and IE.

Edited 1461004417
KS Backer
Alexander said: Before this gets complicated. I'll ask my dumb newbie question first... Why can I not enter a class into this sheet 2.3.2 from the 5e SRD ? Why cannot I not enter any text into the class level line? Using Chrome, Firefox and IE. Because there is not much of a need to drag and drop a class, add the class set the level and the sheet handles everything. You can't enter text for the level because level should be numeric only. If you mean the Class & Level line in the header, than that is done automatically based on the classes in the character tab
Alexander said: Before this gets complicated. I'll ask my dumb newbie question first... Why can I not enter a class into this sheet 2.3.2 from the 5e SRD ? Why cannot I not enter any text into the class level line? Using Chrome, Firefox and IE. Are you going to the character tab and selecting a class that way? &nbsp;That's the only way to add a class.

Edited 1461005528
Sheet Author
Oh... well newbie question solved.&nbsp; I knew that already. Just being a newb. One of my players is having difficulties adding spells to his character sheet. This is kind of strange because all of the other character sheets are fine.
Alexander said: Oh... well newbie question solved.&nbsp; I knew that already. Just being a newb. One of my players is having difficulties adding spells to his character sheet. If they seem to be disappearing, make sure in the Spell Filters that the level is set to "All", Casting Time to "All", and Concerntration and V S M are all on (they display red when active)

Edited 1461005822
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I can't wait until roll20 accepts the new version which has warning messages about filtering...

Edited 1461006122
Sheet Author
Its not the filtering. I think its the character sheet versions however I can't be sure. Some of the sheets are shaped v and some are shaped v2.3.2&nbsp; So I am going to update manually.&nbsp; However, the reason I can't be sure, is that I added the spells fine to the bard whom is also using shaped v. Nope you were right ! It was filters ! There was this lovely little prompt that came up and told me. Although it didn't tell me I was a stupid newb... Probably should add that to your list of things to do :-o
Alexander said: Nope you were right ! It was filters ! There was this lovely little prompt that came up and told me. Although it didn't tell me I was a stupid newb... Probably should add that to your list of things to do :-o Another thing too is to be sure the spells of the same level are next to each other and in order. If they aren't it leaves gaps when you filter and can be confusing. It is easy to order them after typing or importing with the "modify" button. :-)
Trying to troubleshoot an all purpose macro for NPC abilities... I have a working macro that makes a token action: #Action1 =&nbsp;%{selected|repeating_action_$1_action} And I can manually repeat that for each Action from the NPC sheet, but what I'd really like to have is a query: #NPC-Actions= ??{Which action?|@{selected|repeating_action_$0_name},#{selected|repeating_action_$0_action} |@{selected|repeating_action_$1_name},#{selected|repeating_action_$1_action} } and so on I understand that within the query order of operations I need to replace some symbols ( such as "," "|" and "}" ) with their HTML counterparts, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to work. Am I missing something here? Just want to make sure I'm not too far down the rabbit hole, and trying to do something that can't be done, for a reason I don't understand! Thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Queries cannot reference rolls - they have to recreate macros from scratch (which is why they're a huge pain). I suggest using the action chat macros that whisper to GM as an alternative.
Thanks for the response Kryx. Pardon my illiteracy here, but which format does "Action chat macro" refer to?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
New feature whenever roll20 accepts the latest version of the sheet. When you click that button you get the list of actions in chat. You can reference that button via token actions by using %{NAME|actions_macro}
Beautiful! That's exactly the functionality I was trying to get, so you're a million steps ahead of me. I'll just roll off the NPC sheet in the meantime. My PC's are low level at this point anyway, so streamlining to this extent was a learning exercise more than anything. Hopefully by the time they're fighting monsters with more significant lists of abilities, Roll20 will have updated. Thanks again!
Sheet Author
Thanks Joel, I think I am working in this ball park too. Setting macros of the tokens for NPCs would be great.

Edited 1461010292
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can also set token actions with the&nbsp; companion script .
A nice to have: Is their away to add a check box to an item that would make it as a container and the have a item location field that could use any items marked as a container or any thing you would like to type.
Has anyone had significant trouble with this sheet and using "custom" classes such as the Blood Hunter or Gunslinger? I don't want to offer these classes to my players if they make using this sheet overly complicated. I haven't had a chance to test out every aspect of functionality yet...
Wade said: Has anyone had significant trouble with this sheet and using "custom" classes such as the Blood Hunter or Gunslinger? I don't want to offer these classes to my players if they make using this sheet overly complicated. I haven't had a chance to test out every aspect of functionality yet... I have not really used much for custom classes but looking over the PDF just to make sure nothing too strange is happening with bloodhunter, nothing looks like it would be bad. What is the problem you are having? I may be able to help some, but in general its going to be the case where you just enter the abilites yourself.
@Kryx, the new macros look sweet! When do they get calculated? If it's meant to be dynamic, that's not working on at least one of our toons. Attacks is empty and Traits shows Traits that have since been deleted, and doesn't show others that have been added.
Wade said: Has anyone had significant trouble with this sheet and using "custom" classes such as the Blood Hunter or Gunslinger? I don't want to offer these classes to my players if they make using this sheet overly complicated. I haven't had a chance to test out every aspect of functionality yet... Playing a Blood Hunter as an NPC in my game and I've been on this sheet since day one. There's no issue using it with a custom class at all. Mercer did a good job with balance. Only downside is not being able to have automatically added items when you level up.&nbsp;
Wade said: Has anyone had significant trouble with this sheet and using "custom" classes such as the Blood Hunter or Gunslinger? I don't want to offer these classes to my players if they make using this sheet overly complicated. I haven't had a chance to test out every aspect of functionality yet... No issues with a Gunslinger in the party as it's just a Fighter with a different archetype. None of the archetype stuff is done automatically for any class on the sheet (only features of the class standard to everyone and in the SRD), so it's no different to filling in the other party members' info on level up.

Edited 1461023822
Have been waiting for the dust to settle before converting my game over to the new sheet. Looks great! Between the sheet and the new companion script, you guys have done so much...Thanks! One thing I noticed so far, and forgive me if I missed it in all of your threads: spell filtering for "bonus" does not yield any results. V2.4.13 sheet.
When creating a 3rd level druid PC, the Wild Shape ability created in feature & trait gives an error when clicked: SyntaxError: Expected "[" but "e" found. When using a weapon that does poison damage, I added the poison damage in the second damage field. When I get a crit, the poison damage gets a second die. Is there a better way to set this up? Thanks again!
@John S - Bonus Filter: Are there other filters on? I am not seeing an issue in any tests I tried of it not showing bonus action spells. - Druid wild shape seems to be an issue with the line "You can stay in a beast shape for 1[half your druid level (rounded down)]]]", you can edit that for the time being to fix it. - Poison damage on crit: Is the poison damage related to normal poison? If so then the poison should have a saving throw for it, use that section. If the poison damage is just added to the attack (such as a trickery cleric ~level 8 I think), than the damage should be doubled. It comes down to how the poison damage works on a weapon as to how it should be set up.