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[5e Shaped] 2.6.0+

I was testing out the idea of maneuvers as actual features, that I then call from inside the attacks.  As you can do them with any attack a battle master uses.  Shows up at the bottom of the attack roll output and this gives the option to click on which one you want if you chose to do the attack or not, as in most cases, that choice can be made after the attack is made.  I have a test campaign, if anyone wants in to see how I set that up I would be happy to add them to my campaign to look at the sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark, many maneuvers must be used before an attack or are made in place of an attack so adding them as an addition to attacks won't cover those cases. But if you have more typed up I can add them to the documentation.
There are a lot of them that say "when you hit a target with a weapon attack" so those can be handled the way I do it.  I don't think there is a one size fits all solution for them.  Some of them effect your next attack role, some are added to the attack role not the damage, some are just roll the dice, and a companion adds that to their attack roll. Would love to give them to you however, not sure how I can.  Since I put them in the feature & traits section, I have them setup like that, text and what not, with the checked saving throw if needed along with a reference to the superiority die that needs to be rolled which is also set up as a feat...just linking them through.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, many are unique which is why all on an attack wouldn't quite work. Categories: Pre-Attack: Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Precision Attack, Commander's Strike Hit Add-ons: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Goading Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack, Trip Reactions: Parry and Riposte Misc: Evasive Footwork(move), Rally So really only hit add-ons categories could be added as buttons as a result of an attack. The rest happen entirely outside of that flow. I'd ask you to share them for documentation, but I guess that's the same as me including them in sheet workers. Perhaps take a screenshot of 1 for example and people will have to make their own.

Edited 1462282761
I ended up going the route of adding manuevers as features, but can definitely see the benefit of having some as attacks.  Here is the setup for one of my players and the output:
Here are the screen shots, one of the Feats and Traits section, where I set up the Dice, then the maneuver.  How I attached it to the attack, and then the output to the screen.  I like it cause it provides the save as part of it which lets the DM roll it right from there if they want.  And I didn't worry about setting the dice roll up with any macro to set the value of what die should be rolled as it is only in one spot, so updating on level up isn't a big deal.
If the actions_char_var attribute on a character is empty, is there a way to refresh it?
I'm trying to add a button to the end of the attacks for a trait I made for Disarming Attack. The character's name is Cefrey Helder and I'm adding the following to the freetext [Disarming Attack](~Cefrey Helder|repeating_trait_--KGZXJBOAkIHFv-wZyDo_trait) I have the ID correct for the repeating trait, and there is a button after the attack, but when I click it, it just gives me a blank template with the character's name at the top. Am I missing some part? Am I way off base?
Can you take a screenshot of the configuration?  It helps to see exactly how you have things configured.
Kevin said: Can you take a screenshot of the configuration?  It helps to see exactly how you have things configured. I actually figured it out, I had two - at the start of the ID.
So, is there a way to have magic missile add the +1 to the d4's it rolls for casting at higher level?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magic missile cast at higher levels is just rolling it again. The way the SRD put in the information is incorrect. Magic missile should likely change tbh. Just show all the beams damage at once for each beam.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It should likely import as {{damage=?{Spell Level|1,[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]|2,[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]}}} I'll likely change the script to do this and recommend so on the documentation.
Kryx said: Magic missile cast at higher levels is just rolling it again. The way the SRD put in the information is incorrect. Magic missile should likely change tbh. Just show all the beams damage at once for each beam. Running Magic Missile as intended by Crawford and the rest solves a lot of the difficulties people are having with it. You're only supposed to roll damage once, and then apply that damage to each beam. This answer on StackExchange explains it well:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1462313601
Sheet Author
API Scripter
alexander h. said: Running Magic Missile as intended by Crawford and the rest solves a lot of the difficulties people are having with it. You're only supposed to roll damage once, and then apply that damage to each beam. This answer on StackExchange explains it well:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Perfect. I'll link this each time then and present the option for people to build it the other way if they want.
What would be the best way to go about dealing with the rogue Assassinate ability? I realise the major use will just be to give advantage, which can be easily toggled on and off, but specifically the auto crit feature, is there an easy way to have this attach to a roll? Or should I just create a duplicate of all the rogues weapons with the crit range extended?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Adjusting the crit range to 1 is the best option currently. But I should add a crit option somehow because paralyzed and unconscious both auto crit. But it is difficult to technically accomplish...hmm..
Hmm okay, so as my player has decided he will only use daggers like a proper rogue, it's probably easiest at the minute to just create a duplicate weapon and set crit rating to 1 on it, to stop confusion and forgetting to revert it. Hmmm yeah that's probably the best, because the rogue will by assumption also have sneak attack on any auto crit anyway, as they will be going first So I can attach that automatically too.
Can I just say I am glad to see most of us realize that the sheet just can't do it all for us, that sometimes a special roll needs to be created, or a use of /r needs to be made manually adding some modifiers. &nbsp;Kryx the amount of automation you have in this sheet is amazing...really appreciate how much work it does for us!!!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark B. said: Can I just say I am glad to see most of us realize that the sheet just can't do it all for us It could if only WotC wasn't so particular about IP... 3.1.3 (2016-05-04) Bug Fixes Fixed skill output if you have a global bonus and no proficiency.
Did the Special FX working with spells ever happen? If so, how do I do that? Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It hasn't been implemented yet I believe, though the script may work with manually created ones.
Kryx said: It hasn't been implemented yet I believe, though the script may work with manually created ones. What script? Is it incorporated into the Support Script or is it something separate? I've been searching the wiki and forums for stuff, but I can't find much since the updated FX came out. Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It would be in the companion script. I'm passing the data to the script - the question is: is the script doing anything with it? I think so, but I'm not 100% sure. It needs to be fully integrated into our flow though on the example json stuff.
API Scripter
On FX - if you fill in the fields on the sheet for spell FX, the script should launch them for you. I have yet got round to adding the information that people filled into the Google Doc to supply defaults for standard spells, but if you fill it in manually it should work. Lucian
So, when I click on the Saving Throw macro in chat from a spell, (Example:&nbsp;%{target|Dexterity_saving_throw} ) it no longer rolls the save of the target. I assume it's because the name of the macro on the sheet has changed. What would one do to remedy this? I am on the most up to date sheet.

Edited 1462405176
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can't remedy it. I have to. I will tomorrow.

Edited 1462405508
Oh, alright, I've been going crazy reading through all the threads trying to see if I missed something, thank you for clairifying. :)

Edited 1462407373
I was creating some attachers and I noticed there aren't any specific skills to check, just a general "skills" option. Is it possible to use attachers for specific skills, or is that not supported? Thanks either way, the sheet is amazing and a huge time saver.&nbsp;
It appears that the sheet is automatically applying Jack of All Trades' half proficiency bonus to Initiative. Is this supposed to be the case?

Edited 1462434600
KS Backer
tipsta said: It appears that the sheet is automatically applying Jack of All Trades' half proficiency bonus to Initiative. Is this supposed to be the case? If Jack of all Trades in on, yes. Inititiative is an ability check and jack of all trades does apply to it. Grant said: I was creating some attachers and I noticed there aren't any specific skills to check, just a general "skills" option. Is it possible to use attachers for specific skills, or is that not supported? Thanks either way, the sheet is amazing and a huge time saver. Not at the moment at least. Skills is just one section, if you want a single skill it is best to set up a custom macro.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
3.1.4 (2016-05-04) Bug Fixes Clicking an ability saving throw as a result of a chat output for a spell, attack, action, trait, etc is fixed.
I''m having a little trouble with macros... it's 100% me, but I can't figure it outXP I've been copying the documentation example you provided, but whenever I try to center a button, it will instead output "{text_center=" then the button I've made... any help would be appreciated! I also figured out the other stuff I was looking in to! I didn't realise that the name of the character was so importantXP lol I was using there class&gt;.&gt;
Zach D. said: I''m having a little trouble with macros... it's 100% me, but I can't figure it outXP I've been copying the documentation example you provided, but whenever I try to center a button, it will instead output "{text_center=" then the button I've made... any help would be appreciated! I also figured out the other stuff I was looking in to! I didn't realise that the name of the character was so importantXP lol I was using there class&gt;.&gt; Maybe seeing the macro I could help but from what you posted there you says it outputs "{text_center=...." which looks like a missing {&nbsp; The centered text button should look like&nbsp; {{text_center=[Button](~name|MACRO)}}
Yep, that is what I input, and then it posts that to the chat when I click the macro. If you need to see what I have it is identical to the example using rogue sneak attack in the documentation.
The sneak attack in the documentation was done back when class features was still in and I never changed the image so identical to that would not work. I still think seeing would be the thing to notice the issue as there are no problems here with it. Using sneak attack as the first trait in the list, here is what it would look like to include it
{{text_center=[Sneak Attack](~Filarga the Crook|repeating_trait_-KGmSHX6cBYCb7nmPdFk_trait)}} Is the line I'm using. I have it in free text on an attack.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It has to be in freeform.
yep! that did it! Thanks! I just have one more small question! How would I write it if I wanted it to be center AND big?
If you look at the roll template section of the documentation it contains all the different setups for sections like the text_center. In this case if you want it and the top {{text_top= }} Or more likely if you want it towards the bottom {{text_big= }} The documentation has a large example I made with a screenshot to show the idea of what each sections looks like in the roll template section.
no, I saw that=P I didn't see an example of multiple inputs though, so would it look like {{text_big=Zach}} {{text_center=Zach}} or would it be {{text_big=text_center=Zach}} or....what? That's what I'm trying to figure out=P I think I read through the examples fairly thoroughly, but if I missed something, sorryXP Thanks for the help btw=)
You can't use two roll template sections together, each one is its own defined section. In the case of big text and centered, that is the formating the both text_top and text_big use.
hahahaha! I feel ridiculous nowXP thanks! I was doing most of this on my phone, so I didn't actually get to try any of it! Thanks for putting up with me^_^

Edited 1462580872
Hey Kryx, Dunno how much is it to do with the sheet or the script, but I ran into 2 problems recently. After importing monsters with the shaped script into my campaign, suddenly everything that rolls initiative does so with the following formula: 1D20+&lt;Initiative modifier&gt;+0.02 Not sure why. The second issue is that after updating to sheet 3.1.4, suddenly none of my simple macro work. When trying to use %{selected|initiative} it just comes with an error:&nbsp; No ability was found for %{selected|initiative} However it works just fine in 2.6.2 Edit: The +0.02 is the Tie breaker.... But if all NPC's and everything started to use tie breaker then what's the point? It can still land with the same exact number. Is there a way to turn off the tie breaker?
Geze, Tie breaker is your DEX mod. In a tie, the highest DEX will go first. You can turn it off in the settings tab (the gear) of the character sheet. In the initiative box, uncheck "break ties". 3.0.0 broke all macros,see the first page of this thread. I just used the shaped script to make new ones, or Lucian has a script to convert if you have a lot of time invested.

Edited 1462616967
Hey John, Thanks for letting me know. Should have read indeed &gt;_&gt; Could you help me with how to use the shaped script to convert/make new macros? I am using only 2: Initiative (PM's me the character initiative and adds it into the tracker... Were using %{selected|initiative}) Statblock (PM me the character statblock... Were using&nbsp;%{selected|statblock}) The rest are less important because the statblock can basically show me everything I need to operate a combat without opening the sheets an extra time. If you know how - I would also love to have a macro with the same functionality as the buttons in the sheet settings (The blue ones which say "Statblock", "Actions", "Traits", "Legendary Actions", etc...) Also an amazing thing would be to have a similar statblock for spells... If any of you know how to do that - You are magic.... Edit: Sorted the macros I already have with a bit of reading. Sorry for being annoying and sounding lazy XD
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Geze said: Also an amazing thing would be to have a similar statblock for spells... If any of you know how to do that - You are magic.... Spells have to be done on the sheet. There is an issue for it on my TODO list:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I am puzzled. I am making my first attempt to use the shaped sheet, and I have manually entered all relevant data for an NPC I created. All the skill checks work, but the attacks only show the name of the weapon ... even though I entered all the details for each attack. So, all I see under Actions are Staff, Shortbow, and Dagger. There are no other details, even though I selected or entered them. Clicking on the Action names does not generate an attack and instead generates a syntax error, even though I entered all the data. The error says this:&nbsp;SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "@" found. Is this possibly a clash with other macros that I may have had on my server? Am I doing something wrong with data entry? I will provide an example of what I entered for the first weapon action: Staff, Melee type, 5 ft. reach, blank for the range and recharge, attack and proficiency checked, associated ability, bonus, and crit range left to default, 1d4 damage, ability and bonus as the defaults, and 1d4 as the crit die. As far as I can tell, I entered everything relevant for a melee weapon attack, but none of the attack actions function on the sheet once I turn off editing mode and it converts to the normal sheet. &nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Greg, you'll have to take a screenshot for me to determine what is incorrect. 2 things that are not related to the error, but worth mentioning: Crit is only for extra crit damage such as from a barbarian or half-orc. Leave it blank unless that is required. The freetext field controls what shows up in presentation mode.