The party meets Moynath Autumnsong, a mysterious elf who brings them to the Inverted Pyramid, a covert association of arcane magic-users. Autumnsong reveals that the Pyramid has been tracking Keeper Crove since he fled the asylum, until they lost track of him somewhere in the Wildlands. In return for tracking the Keeper down, preventing him from summoning any more deities, and reporting back on any strange artifacts or technologies they discover, the companions will be rewarded with a Handy Haversac and will gain powerful allies. The heroes agree, and so are teleported deep into the Wildlands, near the Grimstaag mountains. They spend the next week struggling to survive the myriad dangers of a mountain pass, following Keeper Crove's trail. Finally, the narrow passage opens into sunlight and a much larger valley, extending for several miles between sharp mountain walls to either side. Ahead, the mountain pass descends steeply into a thick jungle that seems to cover the hilliest part of the valley. A fantastic waterfall cascades down the right wall of the valley, leading to a river that winds its way across the center of the valley floor like a blue snake. In the valley’s center stands a small city with five very tall buildings surrounded by scores of lesser structures. The towers shine like glass, and the largest one in the center seems to be made of purple metal. Terraced fields surround the city on three sides. The air is pleasantly warm, as is the earth below. Steam rises from ground still damp from a recent rain. Everyone gains 2000 XP
⇚ Madhouse Horror
Welcome to the Jungle ⇛