The party begins the adventure scattered across Uldivai, but manage to regroup, after a tense encounter with Ssik'Silith. As they are reconnecting, and arguing about what to do next, they are attacked by a mighty spider. Malak and Yolotamassi are convinced that the party can defeat it, but Lor casts obscuring mist on his companions forcing them to flee. Yolotomassi's magic armor is lost in the retreat. The companions make their way to the Ape House, where they summon Grundhu, a flying silverback of the Derhii. Grundhu agrees to try to rally the other Derhii to their cause, though he warns the heroes that building a consensus will be difficult. After he leaves, the party decides to sleep in the Ape House. unfortunately, the night does not pass without incident; during the first watch, two babau demons appear and attack. The heroes are victorious, but Yolo falls to the flanking attacks of the babau, and dies. The companions retreat to the relative safety of the lizardfolk village, where the Zothian elders perform their sacred rite and raise Yolo from the dead. Even better, they report that lizardmen exploring the city a few weeks before came across the half-elf's abandoned armor. It is in poor condition, but Lor is certain he can repair it fully. Everyone who plays gains 1,500 XP. Elaryan gains an additional 500 XP because he has been on-time to every session so far. ⇚­­­­­­­ The Return of Ssik'Silith Romancing the Stone ⇛