So I got bored again and prettied up my roller (just the main one, the initiative is the old one). The roller works with my V20 character sheet ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... ). Main Roller : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Macro : !apiv20roll ?{First Pool|0} ?{Second Pool|0} ?{Modifier|0} ?{Difficulty|6} ?{Specialization?|No,0|Yes,1} ?{Willpower Used?|No,0|Yes,1} ?{Hide roll?|Public,0|Private (me and ST),2|Only ST,1} ?{Title?|} Explanation : For a custom roll just make the First Pool, Dice Pool and the rest at 0. The max dice is 20. Difficulty is capped at up 10 and down 3. Specialization and Willpower are self-explanatory. Hide - Public (0) is visible to everyone. Private (2) is for the player and DM, nobody else will see the roll. Only ST (1) is like the name, only the Storyteller sees the roll. Title will be next to the word Roll. If no title is provided, then only "Roll" will be seen on top. If you want to change the background and images, then you need to fiddle with the templates above the function. I've provided urls to Werewolf, Vampire and Mage Sheet Images and Icons. Image (with Vampire sheet background, with Mage background sheet [the right one] and with Werewolf border) : Initiative Roller : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Macro : !ini ?{Dexterity|2} ?{Wits|2} ?{Celerity|0} ?{Mod|0} ?{ST only?|No,0|Yes,1} Explanation : This is an old script. Maybe someday I will spruce it up. For now it's useful enough and not an eyesore (since it's used very rarely). cWoD uses Dexterity and Wits to add to the roll. Celerity since it was made for Vampire. You can change it to whatever or just put 0 there. Modifier, since damage and other things can affect your initiative. There's no private version here. Just if you want to ST only see the roll or you want it public. The Script adds your name (or chosen character from the dropdown list) to the initiative turn order. Image : Magick Roller : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Macro : !magic ?{Arete?|0} ?{Difficulty?|5} ?{Specialization?|No,0|Yes,1} ?{Willpower used?|No,0|Yes,1} ?{Hide roll?|Public,0|Private (me and ST),2|Only ST,1} ?{Type?|Coincidental, 0|Vulgar,1|Vulgar with Witness,2} Explanation : Arete - You may use @{CharName|Arete} to use the character sheet Arete. Max dice is 10. Difficulty - Max is 10. Minimum of 3. Specialization - If the character has a specialization in the Sphere. Willpower - If the character used willpower. Hide - Public (0) is visible to everyone. Private (2) is for the player and DM, nobody else will see the roll. Only ST (1) is like the name, only the Storyteller sees the roll. Type - Self-explanatory for Mage: Ascension. Image (the left one) :