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[Script] Turn Tracker: Automatically add Custom Item w/ Round Calculations?

Is there an easy way to automatically enter a Custom Item into the Turn tracker, give it a Round Calculation, and have it appear at the top of the Turn Tracker? Example:  As a test, I want to start all combats w/ a Round tracker entry at the top of the list in the Turn Tracker and have it auto-increment by 1 each time its turn comes up.  I can manually do this, but is there a way to automate it? My googling has led me to believe the answer is no.  But I figure there's a chance I missed something. Thanks!
There exist a few API Scripts that can add such an item to the Turn Tracker using chat commands, such as TurnMarker1 .
I saw that script, but I was hoping for something more generic. Because I'd like to be able to create a macro that automatically adds a Custom Item called Bless w/ an initial value of 10 that reduces by 1 each time its turn comes up. Sorry for the confusion.  My example was pretty specific.

Edited 1573172627
The Aaron
API Scripter
See if this fits the bill... !act <change: default +1> <initial value: default 0> --<what to call it> examples: !act -1 10 --Count down from ten !act +3 --Count up from 0 by threes !act --counter starts at 0 and goes up by 1 !act -1 [[3d8]] --Something that lasts 3d8 rounds !act -[[1d2]] 10 --something that might go twice as fast... Code: on('ready',() => { const checkFormulaOnTurn = () => { let to=JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder')||'[]'); if(to.length && to[0].id==='-1'){ sendChat('',`[[${to[0].pr}+(${to[0].formula||0})]]`,(r)=>{ to[0].pr=r[0].inlinerolls[0]; Campaign().set('turnorder',JSON.stringify(to)); }); } }; on('chat:message',(msg) => { if('api' === msg.type) { if(msg.content.match(/^!act\b/) ){ let who=(getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname'); if(_.has(msg,'inlinerolls')){ msg.content = _.chain(msg.inlinerolls) .reduce((m,v,k) => { let ti=_.reduce(v.results.rolls,(m2,v2) => { if(_.has(v2,'table')){ m2.push(_.reduce(v2.results,(m3,v3) => { m3.push(; return m3; },[]).join(', ')); } return m2; },[]).join(', '); m['$[['+k+']]']= (ti.length && ti) || || 0; return m; },{}) .reduce((m,v,k) => { return m.replace(k,v); },msg.content) .value(); } let args = msg.content .replace(/<br\/>\n/g, ' ') .replace(/(\{\{(.*?)\}\})/g," $2 ") .split(/\s+--/); let cmds=args.shift().split(/\s+/); let change=parseFloat(cmds[1]); change = Number.isNaN(change) ? '+1' : change; change = `${/^[+-]\d/.test(change)?'':'+'}${change}`; let initial = parseFloat(cmds[2])||0; let entry = args.join(' '); if(entry.length){ let to=JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder')||'[]'); to.unshift({ id: "-1", pr: initial, custom: entry, formula: change }); Campaign().set('turnorder',JSON.stringify(to)); if(!playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ sendChat('ACT',`/w gm <div style="padding:1px 3px;border: 1px solid #8B4513;background: #eeffee; color: #8B4513; font-size: 80%;"><div style="background-color: #ffeeee;"><b>${who}</b> added entry for <b>${entry}</b> starting at <b>${initial}</b> and changing by <b>${change}</b>.</div></div>`); } } else { sendChat('ACT',`/w "${who}" <div style="padding:1px 3px;border: 1px solid #8B4513;background: #eeffee; color: #8B4513; font-size: 80%;"><div style="background-color: #ffeeee;">Use <b><pre>!act [formula] [starting value] --[description]</pre></b></div></div>`); } } else if(msg.content.match(/^!eot/i)){ _.defer(checkFormulaOnTurn); } } }); }); Edit (2019/11/07): Fixed using an increment of 0 to add a static turn with an unchanging value.
That's perfect, Aaron! Thanks yet again!
The Aaron
API Scripter
No problem. =D
There is also the script by Krackerjacker as well for a fancier version :)
Saevar L. "Liquid-Sonic" said: There is also the script by Krackerjacker as well for a fancier version :) Do you mean the TrackerJacker script by Ken L.?  I looked for KrackerJacker, but was unable to find anyone or anything by that name.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yeah, that's what he means. =D
More brilliance, Aaron! Full-featured scripts that do many things are wonderful, but there are times you want a singular dedicated function like this one. I have added a macro button to make it easier for me to use (and to remember the syntax): !act ?{Increment?|1} ?{Start?|1} --?{Name?|Round} Many thanks for this!
The Aaron
API Scripter
:). Happy to help!
Three of Swords said: Saevar L. "Liquid-Sonic" said: There is also the script by Krackerjacker as well for a fancier version :) Do you mean the TrackerJacker script by Ken L.?  I looked for KrackerJacker, but was unable to find anyone or anything by that name. Man sorry, I was sleepy when I wrote this clearly.
Man sorry, I was sleepy when I wrote this clearly. NP.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.  I've done similar things in the past.  :)