Greetings Roll20 people! I am considering starting a campaign based loosely on 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons. This thread is intended to gather tips and suggestions from other Roll20 participants based on their experience with the tool, particularly those who have run a 4e campaign before here. Please let me know whatever you feel is relevant to achieving success. This thread is not about my campaign and I prefer not to answer questions on the setting and such at this time. It is a shameless attempt at getting a quick overview of Roll20 suggestions without having to read a hundred other threads. I have already learned how to get my maps and tokens onto the tabletop. A big thanks to Gauss for helping with map alignment. What else should I be thinking about getting ready before I dive in? How long a session do most players like? How realistic is coordinating this site with Myth-Weavers? What are some of the challenges people face that make play less fun and slow? What are other tools that people use in conjunction with Roll20? Thanks everyone for your input!