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(D&D Next; Homebrew Setting) DM Looking for 2 more players (Group of 3 already ready)


Edited 1379095088
Hello! Ragnarok here! I am planning on running a game tomorrow at 1:00pm (CST, -6 GMT) here on Roll20 in my Mystia homebrew setting. There are three different landscapes, two european and one asian culture. Hao Sho is the 'Asian' culture, taking more after the Chinese and Japanese martial styles than other Asian cultures. The two European cultures are the Northlanders and the Groffska culture. The Groffska are a colony of Goblin kind that are civilized to an extend, and at even terms with the Northlanders (Think Viking-type people, for the Northlanders). Players must keep in mind that the setting is very Martial and sorcery and magic (except divine magic) is considered witchcraft. Starting level is 1, regular build rules.
I'd be interested in joining this. I'm completely new to Roll20. I'd like to play a character from the Northlanders. A shaman or cleric type, have to go over the latest playtest pack.
I would be interested in trying a Groffska, perhaps Goblin/Halfbreed/Human escaped thrall or the like. Ranger, Rogue, or Shaman(Druid) comes to mind, but willing to build anything within the framework if you have more background material available.
If there is still room I would love to join if its ok that I'm new to D&D Next