When a player disconnect the cards "goes" with him. It means i cant access the cards as GM, the only option i got is to call them back, but i cant select which player to do so and normally random players has his cards called back (i tested with 2 friends). Usually in a card-board-game when a player disconnect, the cards he has is unreachable by the GM. By changing the cards attach to the character (the character sheet) the GM has more control over disconnected players and his cards, so he can call them back, give them cards (instead of put on the table and the player takes it - i know there is a 'give' card option, but in my game, when the player is shopping equips, i display 3 cards, he buy 1 and discards other 2) What I am asking is for improving cards UI - ill give an example In this scenario, one of my players disconnect, so i cant reach his cards any longer while the other 2 still online, i have more control over their decks (use your imagination to see that there is 2 players online, and 1 offline). If the cards where attached to his character (in this case (Dr. Vincent lee) i could access his hand and take more control over his "hand"