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[5e Shaped] 4.0.0+ Translations


Edited 1465494988
Sheet Author
API Scripter
D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. I also recommend starting each character from a fresh sheet. Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script Documentation Please report any bugs in the issues tab or on this thread. They will however be tracked on the issues tab Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet with nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Translations (English and French so far) Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Spells with filtering and the option to cast at a higher level Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Armor - Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.0.0 (2016-06-03) Features Translations are now setup to work with Roll20's system. Flags will go away as soon as Roll20 updates all the language things in their system next week. I've checked it quite a few times to hopefully not missed any. I will also translate things like the roll template in the next minor version. Personality traits and other background information now has a maximum height of 4 lines. It will scroll otherwise.

Edited 1464997372
Thanks for the update and all of your hard work. &nbsp;I love the sheet. &nbsp;However, when i tried to upgrade this is what happened to my sheets. &nbsp;Used the new HTML and CSS, used the companion as well. &nbsp;Npc&nbsp;sheets behave similarly with offset missized red text.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You have to use the translation.json file as well (or pick a language in the translations folder). The contents of that file need to be set to the translations tab on the game settings page
Thanks Kryx for the update! Where would we find the translation.json files or the translations folder?
Thanks Kryx! &nbsp;Worked like a charm. &nbsp;John S. the file is here. &nbsp;You copy and paste it to the third tab on the custom sheet interface labelled translation. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thanks Burton!
@Kryx: Has it always been mandatory to use the translation json file? I haven't updated to 4.0 yet. Had a game tonight and didn't want to run into any potential bugs, but I've never used the translation prior to this.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Translations have been in the sheet for a very long time (see the flags at the top right). Previously my build script integrated them into the sheet with some css magic to show and hide the label for each language based on what flag was selected. A few weeks ago roll20 implemented their translation system for character sheets. This version moves the sheet over to use that system. Roll20 will upload my translations to their system and it'll work automatically without the need for you to upload translation files. However that period can take up to a week so if I change translations and you are using the Github version then you'll want to upload the translation file as well.

Edited 1465041883
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.0.1 (2016-06-03) Bug Fixes Translations now work on the roll template. It still isn't working if I pass the name from the sheet. For pro users see&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for the information on this. Hopefully I can fix this part soon. Ripped out my own translation system (bye flags!) Cleaned up translations Informed the translators of any missing translations. I also added the translation step to installing your own sheet from github. You'll have to get them all again after this update
Made a copy of my campaign which is 3.6.1 and upgraded copy to 4.0.1. &nbsp;Seems like most everything is working but something is currently wrong with Saving Throws in the output. &nbsp;I did not change anything. 3.6.1 4.0.1
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Update again and it'll be fixed. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for the cause

Edited 1465053327
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.0.2 (2016-06-04) Bug Fixes Roll template translations are not based on the sheet translations. I have put in placeholder information for those until roll20 uploads them. I'm also working on allowing things like duration and casting time to be translated everywhere. Will be coming once I get an answer on&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Hi Kryx, Well done with the translation, it is working great (french version here). Two small issues I to be reported : the link in the first post for the translation file is dead, had to go to github manually to find the right file the Spell macro is now showing all levels of spells regardless of the level of the caster. I don't think it behaved this way before.&nbsp;See screenshot :
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fixed the link. Btw that will be translated as soon as roll20 uploads their part. The other part works as expected if you uncheck "Show levels if all slots are used". Though it should only show levels you have. I'll fix this.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.0.3 (2016-06-04) Bug Fixes Spells macro no longer shows levels that have no spells. Cleaned up css. Should all be the same.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.0.4 (2016-06-05) Bug Fixes Translated all titles and subheaders being sent to the roll template
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.1.0 (2016-06-05) Features New Roll Template

Edited 1465173846
@Kryx: Is it possible to get the character name to appear slightly larger in font, or maybe bold face? And what's the purpose of the red and green dots in your examples above?
Kaelev said: @Kryx: Is it possible to get the character name to appear slightly larger in font, or maybe bold face? And what's the purpose of the red and green dots in your examples above? Disadvantage or advantage.

Edited 1465195339
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev said: @Kryx: Is it possible to get the character name to appear slightly larger in font, or maybe bold face? In the roll template? I was unsure what to do with character name, but making it bigger is hard for visual hierarchy purposes. Same for subheader, but I removed most of those. Side note: I don't see the point of the feature. For PCs you already know who used it. For NPCs I just don't see the value. If you have different monsters then they likely have different attack names. If you have many of the same monsters the name is all the same anyways.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: Kaelev said: @Kryx: Is it possible to get the character name to appear slightly larger in font, or maybe bold face? In the roll template? I was unsure what to do with character name, but making it bigger is hard for visual hierarchy purposes. Same for subheader, but I removed most of those. Side note: I don't see the point of the feature. For PCs you already know who used it. For NPCs I just don't see the value. If you have different monsters then they likely have different attack names. If you have many of the same monsters the name is all the same anyways. The point of showing the character name? But it's not just attacks, it's saving throws, ability checks, everything. When the GM, or anyone controlling more than 1 character, rolls, it quickly becomes confusing if the name is not on the template. What to do with 5 different dexterity saving throws, and you have no idea which belongs to which NPC.

Edited 1465202830
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In the most common scenarios you have 1-3 enemies in a fight. If you cast a fireball and try to discern which creature is using which saving throw you're going to run into duplicates anyways. I don't use it for that reason. It doesn't add much value imo. I can increase the size slightly for those who do. 1.2em looks pretty ok
First, I have to say I am not a fan of the Roll Template changes in general. &nbsp;I don't like that the title/subtitle/name are off center to the rolls, feels unbalanced. &nbsp;I feel that the titles are too big, they really dominate template, it looks good on the spells typically due to the relative size that they can be, but again feels unbalanced on many other things. In testing I noticed a couple of things that I think may be bugs: 1) When chat avatars are enabled, the roll template will overlap them. 2) With text size set to normal, there is a difference between Ability Checks, Saving Throws, and Spells (which are a smaller, preferable (to me) normal size), compared to the Traits, Attacks, and Actions.

Edited 1465216366
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The roll template is meant to match with the 5e flat design. The roll template that I inherited from Actoba did not - it added it's own styling which didn't match the style of the redesign. Balance is a factor that I'm open to adjusting. Perhaps everything should go left aligned as that is the template for spells and features. The titles are actually nearly the same size, if not slightly smaller. The font changed and the all caps changed, but I aimed for pretty close to before. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The avatar overlap has not changed (again refer to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). This was not adjusted as we'd either have to lose ~7px of height or ~25px of width. Height would be the only option, but not a great one imo. Regarding text size: I've been adjusting it in several areas. Rolls should be 1.7em (aka "output"). "big" (aka "output-small") should be 1.5em and normal is 1em. Traits, attacks, and actions are all "Big". I may add a toggle to make them small in the future, but will not change the default sizing for those with poor eyesight.
As far as character name on the roll template, there are times as a GM that someone needs an extended AFK and I give them the option of rolling things for them while they are away. &nbsp;If this option is removed, it will make it very difficult to know when this occurs, particularly if the entire group is rolling. To be honest, Roll Templates are things that everyone has a different eye for... It would almost be a bit better if there was an option to apply/select a template, allowing for better customization, though I don't think it is reasonable/feasible with the existing sheet and would seriously impact complexity/maintainability.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I won't remove "show character name". I'm just saying it has little value in my opinion. Others use it though. If people want their own roll template they can use stylish to adjust it.
Is there a way to prepend something in front of rolls output from the sheet? For example, I want to add the following in front of all skill checks and saving throws (which are being whispered to the GM by default) rolled from the character sheet instead of making a specific macro like this: &{template:default} {{name=**@{selected|token_name}** rolls a saving throw.}} %{selected|shaped_saving_throw_query} Also, are there plans to do shaped_saving_throw_query for skills too?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No, there is no way to do so. If the title of a roll template is "X Saving throw" and you have checked "show name" then why would it be needed? Query exists for all checks - shaped_ability_check_query. Though they will largely be unsupported (left alone, but not enhanced) as chat macros are the easy way to work with these.
Tvrtko Validzic
Marketplace Creator
First of, love the sheet. A buddy introduced me to it a while back and I've been using it ever since. Liking the new roll template too, the old one was a bit huge in some places. Now, my point of curiosity. Is there a way to make those neat macros jn the player's character sheets into token macros? Notably, attack and spell ones.&nbsp;

Edited 1465225289
Kryx said: No, there is no way to do so. If the title of a roll template is "X Saving throw" and you have checked "show name" then why would it be needed? Query exists for all checks - shaped_ability_check_query. Though they will largely be unsupported (left alone, but not enhanced) as chat macros are the easy way to work with these. I want the other players to know when rolls are being made even though the rolls are being sent to the GM. Ah, I didn't explore the full ability checks menu, lol. I just saw Strength at the top and assumed it just had straight ability checks and not skill checks. For example, in the picture below, the other players would only see that Hope attacked. The reason I want to be able to add an option to prepend something to a roll, is because getting players to use the right macro instead of simply clicking on the character sheet is a pain in the ass. I had one player that would not use the right macro and ended up kicking them out of the game for being disruptive. Being able to add something that appears before the roll templates automatically behind the scenes would mean I could set it and not have to worry about what the players use to roll their checks and attacks.

Edited 1465311120
Kryx said: I won't remove "show character name". I'm just saying it has little value in my opinion. Others use it though. I use it. In the heat of a big combat, every little indicator of who does what helps me keep up as a DM
SkyCaptainXIII said: Kryx said: No, there is no way to do so. If the title of a roll template is "X Saving throw" and you have checked "show name" then why would it be needed? Query exists for all checks - shaped_ability_check_query. Though they will largely be unsupported (left alone, but not enhanced) as chat macros are the easy way to work with these. I want the other players to know when rolls are being made even though the rolls are being sent to the GM. Ah, I didn't explore the full ability checks menu, lol. I just saw Strength at the top and assumed it just had straight ability checks and not skill checks. For example, in the picture below, the other players would only see that Hope attacked. The reason I want to be able to add an option to prepend something to a roll, is because getting players to use the right macro instead of simply clicking on the character sheet is a pain in the ass. I had one player that would not use the right macro and ended up kicking them out of the game for being disruptive. Being able to add something that appears before the roll templates automatically behind the scenes would mean I could set it and not have to worry about what the players use to roll their checks and attacks. I see your point with this. I'm running s game 100% behind the screen, so when players attack monsters, only the two of us see what was rolled. The others are standing-by going "wth just happened". I tend to have to voice over vent "Player A lets loose an arrow with his longbow". It gets tiring sometimes, but I'm used to it now. I've tried asking them to at least announce the attack they are doing, but some continue to forget.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tvrtko Validžić said: Is there a way to make those neat macros jn the player's character sheets into token macros? Notably, attack and spell ones.&nbsp; See the&nbsp; Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script . Most notably !shaped-abilities

Edited 1465228412
Sheet Author
API Scripter
SkyCaptainXIII said: For example, in the picture below, the other players would only see that Hope attacked. The reason I want to be able to add an option to prepend something to a roll, is because getting players to use the right macro instead of simply clicking on the character sheet is a pain in the ass. I had one player that would not use the right macro and ended up kicking them out of the game for being disruptive. Being able to add something that appears before the roll templates automatically behind the scenes would mean I could set it and not have to worry about what the players use to roll their checks and attacks. There are several play styles that the sheet supports: Fully hidden rolls for everything Open rolls for everything and some specific items whispered to the gm (like initiative) Open rolls for everything and some specific items hidden from the output via css (see the documentation). I use option #3 and hide the damage, save dc, effects, and some other items on NPCs so that only I see them. Now you use #1 and a consequence of the way the sheet has to whisper the GM I cannot output anything before the "/w GM" without the system breaking. I don't know what you mean by "using the wrong roll". There isn't a way to roll an attack that is the "wrong" attack. I can only think of saving throw vs ability check, but the system you propose wouldn't solve that. Personally, I don't see the need to have players hide their rolls. The only thing I can think of is to prevent metagaming AC, but it seems a bit too far imo. I wish I could whisper parts of the roll template, but roll20 doesn't support it. It took me a long time to come up with the CSS hack for monsters.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.1.1 (2016-06-06) Bug Fixes Damage now correctly imports after a change a few version ago. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I reverted the regex change. I also had messed up secondary damage ability's name in the sheet, but neither of these cause lasting damage. Just the regex issue for any NPC made after 3.4.1 More roll template adjustments

Edited 1465247010
Kryx said: There are several play styles that the sheet supports: Fully hidden rolls for everything Open rolls for everything and some specific items whispered to the gm (like initiative) Open rolls for everything and some specific items hidden from the output via css (see the documentation). I use option #3 and hide the damage, save dc, effects, and some other items on NPCs so that only I see them. Now you use #1 and a consequence of the way the sheet has to whisper the GM I cannot output anything before the "/w GM" without the system breaking. I don't know what you mean by "using the wrong roll". There isn't a way to roll an attack that is the "wrong" attack. I can only think of saving throw vs ability check, but the system you propose wouldn't solve that. Personally, I don't see the need to have players hide their rolls. The only thing I can think of is to prevent metagaming AC, but it seems a bit too far imo. I wish I could whisper parts of the roll template, but roll20 doesn't support it. It took me a long time to come up with the CSS hack for monsters. I didn't say wrong roll. I said wrong macro. As in they would not use the macro I created and put on the character sheet and set as a token action... and instead they would click the character sheet. They continued to do so despite me asking them not to many many times. So they got booted from the game. Being able to prepend something to the output of all the character sheet would make it so that players could still use the sheet to make their rolls. As for hiding the rolls... it's to create a little suspense for the rest of the group, but also let them know that something is happening. They see something happened in chat, "Orc 10 attacks Player 2 with their Great Axe." ...and then wait for the narrative to find out instead of seeing the attack missed and then the narrative is just a flavorful confirmation of the attack missing.

Edited 1465247305
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, I see. So you created your own macros to do that. As far as I'm aware what you seek cannot be done in roll20's system. Sorry! I'd suggest bugging them to allow some parts of the roll template to be whispered to the GM.
Sheet Author
Hi, I think there is something strange in the french JSON, because going into Raw, it shows a parsing error. Couldn't quite catch what was wrong with it, but anyway, see here :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
SkyCaptainXIII said: Kryx said: There are several play styles that the sheet supports: Fully hidden rolls for everything Open rolls for everything and some specific items whispered to the gm (like initiative) Open rolls for everything and some specific items hidden from the output via css (see the documentation). I use option #3 and hide the damage, save dc, effects, and some other items on NPCs so that only I see them. Now you use #1 and a consequence of the way the sheet has to whisper the GM I cannot output anything before the "/w GM" without the system breaking. I don't know what you mean by "using the wrong roll". There isn't a way to roll an attack that is the "wrong" attack. I can only think of saving throw vs ability check, but the system you propose wouldn't solve that. Personally, I don't see the need to have players hide their rolls. The only thing I can think of is to prevent metagaming AC, but it seems a bit too far imo. I wish I could whisper parts of the roll template, but roll20 doesn't support it. It took me a long time to come up with the CSS hack for monsters. I didn't say wrong roll. I said wrong macro. As in they would not use the macro I created and put on the character sheet and set as a token action... and instead they would click the character sheet. They continued to do so despite me asking them not to many many times. So they got booted from the game. Being able to prepend something to the output of all the character sheet would make it so that players could still use the sheet to make their rolls. As for hiding the rolls... it's to create a little suspense for the rest of the group, but also let them know that something is happening. They see something happened in chat, "Orc 10 attacks Player 2 with their Great Axe." ...and then wait for the narrative to find out instead of seeing the attack missed and then the narrative is just a flavorful confirmation of the attack missing. As for the NPCs attacking players, you could always use the Stylish plugin with custom CSS, and hide the attack roll and damage. There's instructions for this in the documentation.&nbsp; If the players don't mind not seeing their attack roll and damage, you could turn the same checkboxes on for the players.&nbsp;
alexander h. said: As for the NPCs attacking players, you could always use the Stylish plugin with custom CSS, and hide the attack roll and damage. There's instructions for this in the documentation.&nbsp; If the players don't mind not seeing their attack roll and damage, you could turn the same checkboxes on for the players.&nbsp; Players could just add that stylish plugin as well.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
SkyCaptainXIII said: Players could just add that stylish plugin as well. For this to work you'd have to modify the css to only show the players messages from them. Not so hard, but getting every player to install it and then not modify it themselves makes the whole system of security through obscurity (assuming they aren't reading this thread as much) moot.
I meant if I used the option to hide parts of the template via css and show it via stylish, canny players could just do that as well.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Indeed. That system requires trust. Until roll20 implements it then it is our only option.
Well this happened ;d
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Saevar L. "Liquid-Sonic" said: Well this happened ;d Fixed on latest. Thanks!
SkyCaptainXIII said: I meant if I used the option to hide parts of the template via css and show it via stylish, canny players could just do that as well. If you can't trust your players to not cheat, why do you play with them?

Edited 1465342056
KS Backer
Got a chance to look at some of the new stuff again. Here are some minor things. - Exhaustion level text sort of overlaps with the ? tool tip now. - Normal text option for spell macros has no actual text, it is a blank option - On the new 4.1.1 the darker grey bg to the uses numbers on features and traits makes them harder to read - The current test game it seems for a paladin, Lay of hands does not output anything and divine smite main damage types is "false" For feedback on the roll template. I am not a fan at all of the look, I can say there is nothing about the new one that seems better to be in anyway. However, while I have not liked changes in the past (not as much as this one), after some iterations and updates they turned out much better than the original so rather than say "Keep the old one" I will go over why I dislike this one. - Non-centered title: The title not being centered makes it look very out of place and I would much prefer that it is centered than all text left aligned which I think would look even worse. - No divider: There is no divider between the title section and the body like before making the overall clarity and readability much lower.&nbsp; - Color code: The old color coding made things much easier when it came to information at a glance. The old one allowed you to see right away that someone did a save or an ability check just from color and made the overall speed of things improved. Now while I would much prefer the old template over this one (for reasons of having the information quicker and easier to read with better clarity and readability) the above is what sticks out as so bad.&nbsp; My initial thoughts to keep the new one and fix my issues is centered title, add the divider of other sections to the title (or a new one), and maybe try a light bg coloring similar to how the damage has a different bg color. In the end, I don't like the new look but based on past things I didn't like I am willing to say I don't like the current version rather than the direction as I will admit it looks better for spells, but only for spells.

Edited 1465405648
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Exhaustion has overlapped the ? for a while. I'd have to move it elsewhere to avoid this so it's fine enough imo. Spell slots macro is purposefully blank for Lucian (see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... )&nbsp;It is not used in the sheet anywhere. %{NAME|shaped_spells} is what you likely want. I'll lighten the dark gray on traits I'll look at divine smite and lay on hands. The roll template is based on the styling of 5e. Please refer to the monster manual and spells. I'll address each complaint: Non-centered: Almost no text in 5e is centered. Left align matches spells and monsters. No divider: There is no divider on spells, but there is a divider on monsters. I could see adding the red bar for all cases except spells Color code: Dark red and black match the 5e design. The title has been&nbsp;altered&nbsp;to include the type of roll made (it shows check or saving throw). Not everyone will agree that one style is better - that's always true for UI advancements. People will always have a preference and that preference changes over time. I, for example, didn't like material design for a while, but now I think it's great. The point of this change is to align the styling of the sheet and roll template. The old roll template matched the colors and style of the community sheet, not the colors and style of the sheet which matches 5e's colors and styling.

Edited 1465406788
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.1.2 (2016-06-08) Bug Fixes roll_info should never show as an error (it shouldn't have before, but now I moved it to the sheet as a var) Roll templates are wider now that we no longer have a header that is wider than the card. Let me know if it's slightly too wide and I can add another pixel or two padding on the side. Lightened the uses for Features & Traits Divine smite now shows radiant damage (was a translation issue on my end - not the translation side) Lay on hands now outputs as long as you put some value in the query.