The tabletop RPG industry is really coming into its own with the introduction of the OGL and accompanying SRDs. A number of publishers have an OGL, many of which have an already-developed character sheet to be used with Roll20. Let me cut to the chase... If there is an Open Gaming License (OGL), we need a System Reference Document (SRD) for Roll20 . The OGL games become unarguably more playable with an SRD. Hours of GM prep time vanish into the ether. Players have direct reference at their disposal. Potential GMs will have a much better starting-out point if they want to start running FATE, Dresden Files, Mutants & Masterminds and others. Many of us have seen what the SRDs have done for Pathfinder and D&D 5e. They have changed our games dramatically for the better. It is no secret that Fantasy Grounds has the official license for many of these game systems, but with an SRD it does not matter . Roll20 users can have just as good an experience without the shortcomings (and there are some). Is this easy? No. Will it happen quickly? No. Does it need to happen? Absolutely. Automation in any industry increases efficiency, and that is what we need: a more efficient delivery for Roll20. Thanks for reading.