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[5e Shaped] 4.3.4+

Sheet Author
API Scripter
D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. I also recommend starting each character from a fresh sheet. Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script Documentation Please report any bugs in the issues tab or on this thread. They will however be tracked on the issues tab Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet with nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Translations (English and French so far) Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Spells with filtering and the option to cast at a higher level Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Armor - Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.

Edited 1466375679
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.3.4 (2016-06-19) Bug Fixes If you add an ammo to a weapon and that ammo type doesn't exist it will be added for you (with 20 qty) Cantrips that toggle higher level query will no longer show an error for a missing attribute. Green-flame blade works (update sheet script and your data)
Thanks Kryx!
Thanks for the update Kryx. I tested and it is working smooth with the shaped companion script, even when dragged from SRD! Now, there is an idea, that is not an issue with the sheet itself, but it would be nice if we had the option to hide ability checks roll. For example, when my monsters are trying to hide and I roll stealth, everyone sees that I'm rolling stealth. I know that has the option to hide rolls, but it works for the entire sheet output. We have the options to hide rolls: Hide attack Hide damage Hide saving throw Hide spell content Hide action freetext Hide saving throw failure Hide saving throu success Hide recharge Death saves Hit dices Initiative options But we don't have the option to hide ability checks, like Stealth. If it is possible and easy to do, I would love to have this option on your next update! Once again, thanks for your work.

Edited 1466367557
@Kryx: I'm having issues removing the modifier from damage. What I did was set up an attack for Hunter's Mark for a ranger in my game. The attack is used for each subsequent attack so he doesn't have to cast the spell multiple times to get the damage. I set the damage to 1d6 and save it. When I execute the attack from the sheet, it auto fills in STR. When I try to set it to nothing using the --- option from the drop down, it auto-reverts back to STR. Going a little further, this ranger also has an off hand weapon which shouldn't receive the modifier for that weapon. It too auto-reverts back to STR and it will not go away. I've tried this on other PCs as well as newly created PCs and I get the same result. Recreation Steps: Create a new PC sheet Set some stats for it Add a new attack on the Equipment tab Navigate to the Core tab Attempt to set STR for the weapon to nothing

Edited 1466370647
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If the attack is not a melee attack then make it of type other. :) But this should not be the case.

Edited 1466372041
Kryx said: If the attack is not a melee attack then make it of type other. :) But this should not be the case. I tried that. Setting the Hunter's Mark to other did not remove the modifier. For the off hand weapon, changing it to Other just to test it out didn't remove it either. I alos tried this on other PCs in my other game; the same thing happens.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Bakunin I'll look at adding "Hide ability checks" tomorrow.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.4.0 (2016-06-19) Features Added Custom saving throws (Fort/Ref/Will) which will use the highest ability of the ones defined or it will use a default ability as specified in the tooltip. I have some houserules for this coming out soon. Saving throws in sections such as spells, attachers, etc will also show based on this toggle. AC can be hidden Attacks can now target a saving throw (including one of the new ones above) Spells cast a level where no slots exist will try to cast spells at a higher level. To test this add the spell idenitfy and 2nd and 3rd level slots. It will prompt you for a higher level as there are no 1st level slots. Bug Fixes Attacks, damage, heal, etc should no longer default to an ability after the type has changed. Spell macros should now correctly not show levels without spells or levels with spells and no spell slots (but does have max slots) Rests toggle is now on the settings page under "API" Translations are updated .
Any chance of getting a pre-pend attacher or something since you can use /n to force a line break?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Oh, I did forget to do saving throws in the chat macros and for NPCs. I did remember NPC hide ac though.

Edited 1466378055
@Kryx: Updated to 4.4.0 and I still have that problem I posted above. When I change Hunter's Mark to other, the stat goes away as pictured below. But it still includes it once rolled. Still happening for an attack that is not supposed to have the ability stat like this characters off hand weapon. I set the ability to nothing (and it still is set to melee) and include the ability stat. I tried setting the off hand weapon attack to Other and again, no change. Tested in 2 different campaigns.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have a fix that I will push later today.

Edited 1466434636
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Using 4.4.0, I can't get the shaped_spells macro to show anything except cantrips. Reproduction: create a character, set level 7 wizard or whatever, add a bunch of spells and cantrips. shaped_spells will only ever show cantrips, no matter the prepared status and available slots. On another note, halfling luck doesn't seem to have the desired effect currently while in "normal" rolling mode. It correctly applies with disadvantage or advantage. In "roll 2" mode, only the second roll is affected by halfling luck.
Sorry this took a bit. Here's a character sheet from the published version (not the custom, more up to date version). 4.3.1. It's been this way forever, though. This is a 10th level character. A 17th level spell using character actually crashes the program. :) This is from the Roll20 app on the ipad.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Have you updated Roll20 on your ipad? Looks like an issue with translations. I'll make them aware.
Yeah. It's up to date. It's been an issue for at least a month. Maybe two.
Some things I have seen. - Damage feels like it should be adjusted or go back to the old alignment as when two damage types are involved, alignment is just not there making it not look good. For example, - Some things for NPC have avoided the left aligned section - The out of place centering makes me realize why AC, prof, and Inspiration feel so off to me, it has to do with centering. Things that exist just as a number and the fact that with no quick distinguished title like the color banner, they look pretty much exactly like an ability check where the number is broken and left aligned. The rolls create a expectancy for the number to be centered and something like AC is a number with the same look as a roll making the user expect it to be centered as well. - After seeing the above, it would be nice to have a big text option for centered text in the template as a counter part of the text_center now that text_big is left aligned. After playing with the new template for a bit now I still prefer centered things so having the option of big centered text again would be nice for almost all the custom macros I make.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.5.0 (2016-06-20) Features Huge refactoring for how I get and set values from Roll20. This touched a vast majority of the code and removed about 10% of all lines, so that's nice. I've tested several items and all seems to be good. Added "Hide Ability Check" and "Hide Saving Throw" Custom saving throws now replace default saving throws in the chat macro if that option is selected. Bug Fixes Spell slots now seem to show the correct levels (again). I tested with toggle, without, several level with slots or not. Attacks, actions, etc should no longer have default attributes if none is set. Vanakoji I'm not sure what to do about centering. See the blow: That doesn't look great either. Items are centered because people wanted them, but if you take your screenshot above the Challenge (minus the xp below) looks better imo.
@Kryx: Will this update require an API update as well? Just wanna check before I run a game on the update.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.6.0 (2016-06-20) Features Skills and Saving throws for NPCs are now clickable Bug Fixes Saving throws for NPCs now laid out better in edit mode Challenge and HP roll formatted better 4.5.0 requires a translation update.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev, no API based changes have been made so you should be good to update. Make sure to grab those translations for 4.5.0

Edited 1466457749
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Some bugs I noticed with the newest version: All spells with saving throws seem to import with a Strength saving throw instead of the actual saving throw. (I don't know exactly which version introduced this bug, it was whenever I imported this character's spells. In any case, it's still present) Maybe the sheet workers are just acting funny for me right now (that happens sometimes), but accepting an API import does not seem to work at the moment, neither for spells nor monsters. Hitting the accept button, but nothing happens. EDIT: spell slots seem to be working again. Great!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jakob said: All spells with saving throws seem to import with a Strength saving throw instead of the actual saving throw. (I don't know exactly which version introduced this bug, it was whenever I imported this character's spells. In any case, it's still present) Saving throw vs or saving throw? If the first it's likely a translation issue.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I don't know which one it is, but here's a screenshot.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
yes, vs. Saving throw is used to determine which ability to use to create the DC. Saving throw vs is the one displayed (which still isn't displayed correctly because rol20 is dragging their feet on it). The issue is the saving throw vs comes from the SRD or script as "Dexterity", but the select option is "DEXTERITY". I'm going to need to handle it in a different manner, but roll20 not completing the translations makes it rather difficult to complete.

Edited 1466467570
Is the sheet version supposed to be 4.5.0 or 4.6.0? Updated just now (6:40 Central Time) and it says 4.5.0. Also getting this error after updating everything to 4.6.0.: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined" This is happening in 2 of my games and not in the other 2. I've replaced the companion script, the html, css and translations and I can't figure out why it's happening.&nbsp; Posted this in the API thread also.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.6.1 (2016-06-21) Bug Fixes Version now shows correctly on the sheet. Fixed API import issue.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There seems to be an issue with the current upgrade code, which checks the damage box on some (not all) features/traits, actions, reactions ... where damage is unchecked (I haven't tested if happens for attacks, since I don't have any old characters with nondamaging attacks). This only seems to happen for upgrades of old characters to 4.6.x, not for newly created creatures or newly created features. But it will, for example, add damage to almost all class features of an existing character. Example screenshot attached.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That happened in 4.4.2 with "newAbilityDefaults". I will add a check to see if the damage toggle is checked first. 4.6.2 (2016-06-21) Bug Fixes Fixed the&nbsp;newAbilityDefaults bug from Jakob above. If you previously upgraded creatures then you'll have to untoggle damage - sorry!

Edited 1466534236
Hey I've encountered bug upon bug with this sheet, but I still really like the sheet as a whole. If someone could help me out with these, it'd be greatly appreciated. 1. Leveling up PCs - For some odd reason, when I level them up, it doesn't actually work. The sheet has no change. I have to leave and come back multiple times for the XP and Spell Slots to update, and then the next time I come it will be back at level 2 instead of level 3. I tried changing it in the attributes area as well, but that still did not work. 2. Advantage/Disadvantage - Today we encountered a weird bug where it wouldn't roll adv., or showed the adv. symbol on a regular roll. It was very confusing. 3. Saving throws - When making Features and Traits with saving throws, they would be removed right after I wrote them. They used to work just fine. 4. Weight - After putting in values of weight, it gave the wrong number and didn't update the actual weight the character was holding. After leaving and coming back multiple times it began to work, but broke when we added another item. 5. Spells - The spell filter has been acting very strangely. It's counting Cantrips as 1st level, then not counting them at all. It's not showing prepared, it's not organizing them by level of spell. Spell making is also very tedious because when I type something into Duration or Material, it automatically deletes what I wrote. If you can reply to this or PM me that'd be great. I'm not sure if I'm the only one having these issues. If I am, I would like to know why. Still love the sheet though, great work in general :D

Edited 1466534579
Sheet Author
API Scripter
CGTNathan said: *snip* Problems 1,4, sound like the sheet workers aren't firing. Do you have the sheet popped out in a separate window, or inside the roll20 window? One of my players also had problems with the sheet workers not doing anything, and it only happened for him when he had the sheet popped out. (Why? No idea).
Jakob said: CGTNathan said: *snip* Problems 1,4, sound like the sheet workers aren't firing. Do you have the sheet popped out in a separate window, or inside the roll20 window? One of my players also had problems with the sheet workers not doing anything, and it only happened for him when he had the sheet popped out. (Why? No idea). I do use a separate sheet window... could that be the problem? Another problem I have only when it's in another window is I can't move things around with Modify, but I can when it's on roll20. However, the problems I described earlier were not fixed by switching from separate window to roll20.
Those are all related to opening the sheet in another window from my experience. If you have access to a second monitor, it's nice to stretch the window across both and open your sheets that way.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please retest all cases with a popped in window. I don't have the time to test each one currently, sorry.
Is there any way to fix it so it all works in another window? It's much more convenient when I'm running a game so the character sheets aren't blocking the map.
Kryx said: Please retest all cases with a popped in window. I don't have the time to test each one currently, sorry. I'll test them again but it happens sort of randomly. I'll see if I can simulate it again.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nope. You'll have to open a bug for roll20 to fix.

Edited 1466545637
Alright well for the first one is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> where the Modify won't let me move abilities and spells up and down, I'll screenshot any others I get in the future. The second one is with the weight and money.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Dragging is not coded by the sheet. That is a roll20 function. Weight and money can you please send me an invite. Regarding advantage/disadvantage: My group has had this happen a few times during session. I tested it out of session and it works perfectly fine in multiple campaigns (in the same campaign as my main game even). So I have no idea what is causing this. If anyone can help find a reproduction path I'd appreciate it.

Edited 1466550513
On Latest from Github (4.6.2), the translation file seems to be missing the HIDE_NPC_INFO... translations Edit: It looks like you changed the names in the translation json but not on the sheet?

Edited 1466552616
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Get the latest to fix that. I committed it about an hour or two ago.
Kryx said: Get the latest to fix that. I committed it about an hour or two ago. You said there's a fix for that? I just updated to 4.6.2 and I get the same thing.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Huh, maybe I didn't push. Either way it's just a translation issue.

Edited 1466580274
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I pushed it so it should be fixed on the latest.
Kryx said: Dragging is not coded by the sheet. That is a roll20 function. Weight and money can you please send me an invite. Regarding advantage/disadvantage: My group has had this happen a few times during session. I tested it out of session and it works perfectly fine in multiple campaigns (in the same campaign as my main game even). So I have no idea what is causing this. If anyone can help find a reproduction path I'd appreciate it. In my experience, it only happens during peak hours. I get this problem 2 times out of 3 when playing in the evening on saturdays (european time, but should be the same US time). It's been better the last two times we've played, but it's been pretty regular during peak hours.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've had the issue arise as well, but have no way of debugging it. If it works normally then I can't solve it when there is more server slowdown unless there is somehow a race condition in my code (which I don't believe there is).
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.6.3 (2016-06-22) Bug Fixes Advantage/Disadvantage/Normal no longer trigger recalculation of all attacks, spells, actions, and skills. This makes changing much quicker and may prevent the issues with it triggering or not, though doubtful. newAbilityDefaults in 4.4.2 no longer changes traits at all. The other like attacks and actions should still be changed. Fixed NPC info translations presented above
So not sure if this is a defect or done by design, but previous incarnations of the Spell macro would show available slots even if no spells were prepared at that level. &nbsp;This was helpful for casting spells at a higher level. For example a 4th level cleric and 3rd level arcane trickster. &nbsp;The spell slots are calculated correctly, however the spell macro doesn't show the slots available because the character has no 3rd level spells.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hmmm. In that case you want me to show&nbsp;"3rd-level (2/2)." with no spells?