Legends tell of great heroes that have slain many a dragon, stopped demonic invasions and decided over the fate of entire kingdoms.
You are not those heroes, not yet.
You have led an uneventful life in the township of Taernsby. A quiet farming community that has recently found a need for seasoned adventures when there are non to be found, so it comes down to you, inexperienced, willing or not, to take up the job.
https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/51304/pathfinder-unlikely-heroesHello fellow forum dwellers,
Do you too crave for the good old days of fantasy roleplaying cliche's? To the basics of of adventuring? Read on!
It's time to go back to basics. I have stopped myself to think for a moment when was the last time I have run or played a campaign that starts in a tavern, where the evil wizard lives in a tower, the caravan gets raided by goblins and the princess needs saving. We all find it cliche, but honestly I have rarely come across them, and have recently found a longing to these simpler stories. I am taking a break from spending months writing epic stories and instead want to offer something simpler where I can focus on quality characters, fleshed out towns, lovingly crafted dungeons with full visuals, dynamic lighting and fun encounters for a group of good old adventuring adventurers.
you want to play a character that has wandered that land in service
of tyrant kings, plotting his revenge since his family was murdered
by vampires, dual wielding katana's in a western european feudal
setting, or want to play a half dragon paladin with a character
sheet lovingly pieced together from 6 different sourcebooks... this
campaign is not for you.
instead you want to go back to basics, make a character with
personality, faults, flaws, fears, ambitions and potential that grows
as you play out your transition from commoner to adventurer to hero,
apply below or better yet on the LFG listing!
New players to pathfinder are welcome, but I give a preference to experienced roleplayers for the simple reason that holding back and playing genuinely flawed characters with weaknesses and fears is a skill that tends to not come easy. Of course if you are new and this does sound exactly up your alley, don't hesitate to apply.
Yes, there will be a sewer with giant rats, a hermit that lives on the edge of town, a notice board with jobs for adventurers and a dragon that needs saving from the dungeons of an evil princess.