Hey Jakob, I've been trying to puzzle out how to use this API for about 20 hours or so, and while I'm sort of getting the hang of it, there are a lot of places where I'm completely lost. I need to say that I have no background in programming or coding experience so that's the biggest thing working against me. None the less I'm getting there. OK with that preamble out of the way, I'm trying to create an initiative check that will send the results to the Turn Tracker. This is for the Star Wars SAGA sheet and as such I can't just import things from the SRD. I have to build things by hand but this is driving me up a well. Any help would be appreciated bud. Here is what I've got so far any direction would be darn useful. Peace --Mike !group-check-config --add { "Initiative" : { "name" : "Initiative", "formula" : "[[d20 + %Initiative% &{InitiativeTurn}]]"} }
PS I have tried the standard &{tracker} as well.