I thought the new ship should get a thread of its own. Here's the Spec Sheet. Feel free to contact on the sheet or here. I've just sent in our down payment of 20% (141,482,860). As of the moment, the estimated actual value of the finished ship should be: 935.847 MCr. We currently owe 580,079,726 Cr for the ship. These figures include all of the extras shown on the ship sheet, and are likely to change a bit as we nail down how much ordnance we bring over from Ares and settle on final price tags for the small craft. The final price tag will be pretty close, though. The Estimated Delivery Date of the New Ship is 055-1111. We still need to name our new baby. We started discussing names, but with everything else that's been going on, that got pushed to the back burner. My original working name was Apollo , put we've put many more on the table: Here's what we have so far: Asteria - Goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man Atalanta - A competitive warrior Goddess, adventurer and amazing runner. She was turned into a lion by Aphrodite. Athena - Goddess of war, wisdom and domestic crafts. She was one of the Olympian Goddesses Eos - The beautiful Goddess of the dawn who brings the hope of a brand new day. Maia - Spring Goddess and the eldest and most beautiful of Atlas's seven daughters who made up the Pleiades. Mnemosyne - The personification of memory in Greek mythology. She was also the mother of the Muses. Metis - Titan Goddess of wisdom and prudence. According to Myth Zeus swallowed the pregnant Metis whole and later gave birth to his daughter Athena from his head. Nike - The Greek Goddess of victory. Themis - Greek Goddess of divine justice, order and customs. She also had the gift of prophecy as she was responsible for the Oracle of Delphi before it was passed onto Apollo. Tenacious Techhunter said: “Themis” would be an excellent ship name to use in the fight against Maarg... “Nike” is good in general. “Eos” is good PR. “Athena” would work particularly well if we have fancy lab space. “Atalanta” should be saved for an interceptor ship of some kind... maybe a fighter craft? and Wolfen said: Oooo. I was thinking about names for an assault shuttle and just thought about another potential name for the cruiser: the Argo . As for the assault carrier, Atlas (tip o' the hat to Alby), Orpheus , Pegasus , Tyche , Soteria . (As well as some of the names listed above, for the cruiser). and Alby said: For names maybe it would be cool to have the shuttle named after the son/daughter of whatever god we name the Cruiser after? and Tenacious Techhunter said: Let’s name the “Pimped Out Limo” G-Carrier the Pegasus, and the Gritty and inevitably Grungy one that will be subjected to Wypoc will be called the Bucephalus. Both are “horses”, both fight; the latter was the “demon horse” of Alexander the Great. “Orpheus” would be better for a luxury liner. “Tyche” would be better as a disaster relief aid ship. “Soteria” is so defensive focused that we couldn’t pull it off convincingly enough; we’re just too eager to find asses to kick; it would be better as a “Belt Guard” (Space equivalent of “Coast Guard”?) system defense boat. “Atlas” is... complicated... the bogus “holding up the Earth” interpretation would peg us as Terra-centric. The association with maps would peg us as an exploration outfit. The “holding up the celestial sphere” interpretation would imply that we’re holding ourselves accountable for the safety of the known Galaxy, “Guardians of the Galaxy” style... and while a fun thought, it’s more responsibility than we’re actually up to. Not to mention how readily dismissed the whole archaic “celestial sphere” concept would be among people having first-hand experience on how non -spherical space is