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Dagger and short sword in hand I shall skulk and creep
Creeper no creeping 
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Clifford M. said: Creeper no creeping  lol
Reginald will be there to sow death and destruction among the dead and destroyed.
I'm not sure atm
Been campaign planning all week I can't think of a one liner this week.
Most likely will not be able to join this weekend.  Have to work on Saturday
I'm sick for 3 days. If I feel better I will try to join. 
I'll be there
He who denies Death his Day will have the Reaper Grim to pay Arise my heroes for you Destiny and Duty calls, time again to clear the unliving from these hallowed halls It is that time of the week again to see who will be here this saturday

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Reginald will be there to kick Death's ass and charge into whatever hell awaits. Family obligations called Reginald from the game this session
i'm in, my bow be a hummin.
"Hit me again, Ike, and this time PUT SOME STANK ON IT"
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sneak, sneak, stab, stab
I'll be there
I may be a bit late
Should be alright actually.
Once more into the Breach my friends..Now that you laid a repentant sir jameson to his final rest, he told you of something more foul than his vengeful spirit. Grace is surely in a rush to either end this threat or die by its hands trying,
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Always wanted to play a Vampire Halfling lol
99% sure Grace is going to die, but fuck yeah. 
lets try this again  Reginald will be there to kick death's ass and charge into whatever hell awaits! 
After Dar and the halfling one shoted an entire room of undead, hell yea. Lets see how many more we can kill! Lol.
i shall attend
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Wesley H. said: After Dar and the halfling one shoted an entire room of undead, hell yea. Lets see how many more we can kill! Lol. lol
I'll be there
I have a really important exam at sunday morning. I should sleep early so I won't be able to attend to session.
so far everyone but Cliff and Nadia have said "yes" or "no" in some fashion..will you two be there or no..
Should be there 
May be a bit late
Who Dares to Tread in MY domain. Chattel! I will damn your souls and feast on your flesh and feed your bones to my pets. Run for your pathetic lives, worms! For I, Lord Ursus Longmane, am without mercy. Looks like the gauntlet has been dropped. Who will rid the Barony of Markon of this "Dread" Lord of the night?
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sammo willbe there
See you there
I will not be there this Saturday 
Reginald will be there to rend this evil soul to oblivion. No afterlife for you Lord Ursus Longmane.
have family coming in for my bday, so i might not make it.
I shall aim for his vile, black heart! Happy b-day Moco. Cliff, who shall make the puns without you? 
ok so i have 5 definite (4 yes and 1 no) 4 maybes (Axell, Grace, Brella, Mocco) the definite are Dar, Reginald, Alexis, Sammo (YES) and Samson (NO)
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Brella and Sammo will be there
I will be late though. Please don't kill the vampire without me
I will try to be there but I might be late. I'm out of city for a competition
I'll be there.
I made it, even if it was only to cast one spell and drool over a vampires library 
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lol Nice Cliff, well we help you carry every book out of there
Well time for some rest and relaxation (or at least you hope so) Its that time of Week again. Time for the Weekly ROLL CALL
I should be in 
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I shall be there or I shall be a small regtangular thing with even sides
A rhombus?
I'll be there
Haha, new joke, your a rhombus. I plan to be there. Anyone have   Remove Curse spell or scroll they could send my way?