Righto then. Blazedd, Kage, and Deightine have been definite about Tuesday being suitable for them, whereas John Stapleton has expressed interest ony in principle and has alluded to a limited schedule. So I'll run this coming Tuesday night, 15th of May, (according to the time zone of the players, who are in the eastern part of North America and equivalent time-zones), and the players will be Deightine and his better half, Blazedd and his girlfriend, and Kage.
I'm open to the idea of running another instance on another date, at which John Stapleton would be most welcome to play.
The adventure is a simple one that ran in three-hour sessions at the con I designed it for. So we ought to be able to whip through it in four. I plan to start at 01:00 UTC (ZULU, Greenwich Mean Time) Wednesday, which is anything from 7PM to 9PM Tuesday between the Mississippi and the Atlantic, depending on daylight saving and so forth. Please make sure of the conversion in your location.
I will send Blazedd, Deightine, and Kage the campaign link as soon as I get back to my stationary device. It would be good if each player were to visit the page before we start, because that way I will be able to deal with the fiddly business of assigning characters, tokens, character sheets, equipment lists, and briefings at my leisure before we start.
At the con I handed out the character sheets at registration, but naturally few read and many lost them before their game time. I had spares. So I can cope with assigning and reading characters at the beginning of the session on Tuesday, but I would like to handle it in a more rational fashion if possible. Deightine's better half fancies playing Ashbless, Deightine is intrigued by Lethe, the character Lethe is provided for the player who feels least confident about working quickly through a routine murder investigation in the style of a TV show like NCIS or Law & Order .