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can someone please make a dbz style token pic for this character im going to play?

im sorry if this is not appropriate for this forum but i think it might be so here goes. i recently joined a yet to start dbz and star wars crossover campaign and im playing a nappa style character who is half demon so if someone could please send me a pic to use thats basically nappa with red hair cut in a buzz cut and a medium length red beard instead of the moustache and put a demonic looking spin on the saiyan armor type nappa wears i would really appreciate it and would be glad to point that person in the direction of the gms campaign page if they want to join, its basically two different campaigns being run alternatively(one party of star wars characters and one of dbz characters) and as far as i know theres only two or three players on either side. i would especially appreciate if you made the armor purple and red for the armor scouter and chi.

Edited 1469912989
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
If you are wanting a customized token it is usually recommended that you contact an artist (you have to go through the devs (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) usually) that you like and contract a commission with the artist. If you are not willing to pay the artist for his work then your best bet is google.

Edited 1471051566
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Will do tokens for 10$&nbsp;&nbsp; If not then you'll have to use google and put a ring around an image and use that for the time being.&nbsp; And thats just an example you dont have to use devin, I'm sure some of these other artist would do commissioned work.
ok thank you ten is super reasonable actually